chapter 51 : Nihil Magis Sanguis

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[T/N: No More Blood]

Agis POV

Going down the stairs I was sure of one thing. The person wandering around on the ground floor certainly wasn't Victuvius. He wouldn't allow such carelessness like making noise.

As I ran my hand along the railing, I wondered who had the audacity to break in. Perhaps Zarina with Damien and Lynda caught up to me? Or maybe it was Kate going after Mary? That would make more sense, since she's completely on the bad side now. But Marilyn already knows everything, so she would be ready to fight.

When I had five steps to go, I slowed down. I became genuinely curious about who was moving around in the rooms.

"Are you sure that he teleported here?" I heard a muffled voice coming from the kitchen.

"Of course," the second, much more firm voice said. "Where else could that moron go, if not to Mary."

I stood at the kitchen door, where the voices came from. I waited for the conversation to go on, but both voices fell silent. They sounded familiar, but I would have to hear them again to identify their owners. I was about to press the handle and walk into the kitchen when I heard a thud behind my back. Instinctively, I raised my hands ready to attack, turning my head away. Marylin lay at the bottom of the stairs. People in the kitchen apparently also heard the noise, because the door opened wide with impetus.

"Mary, what are you-!?" called one of the girls, who turned out to be none other than my baby 'sister' Zarina. She didn't notice me huddled under the door and stumbled over my back.

She fell to the floor, but quickly got up and ran to Mary. After her came the one with blue hair. She gave me a disgusted look as she passed me by, and squatted down at the stairs.

"She's freezing," Zarina whispered as I found myself behind her.

I wondered what might have happened and then I remembered about her eyes. About the pigment.

"Move," I smacked Zarina on the shoulder and quickly knelt at Mary's head, turning her face to me.

Gently, I opened her right eyelid. Everything was okay, except that the brown iris looked unconscious. Then I slowly lifted her left eyelid and saw exactly what I was afraid of.

"Shit," I said under my breath and looked at Mary's left iris again. It was red again.

"What is it?" Lynda said and came up to see what worried me this much. "What's wrong?"

"Her eye," I began to explain without thinking. Regardless of whether I liked these girls or not, I had to tell them the truth, because things were starting to look more and more serious. "A moment ago, before I heard you two downstairs, I sat with Mary and a red pigment began to leak from her eyes. Actually, it's blood. This meant that her contact with Victuvius reduced almost completely to zero. That meant she was more on the good side. She was an Existus of almost pure blood. And now her eyes are going back to red again. And that means two things. First is that now Mary is even weaker than usual-"

"Why?" Lynda cut in, but under the given circumstances I didn't even feel like being angry about it.

"This pigment is her own blood," I replied and continued. "Her eyes are drawing blood from her veins. All to regain this hideous red color. And all because Victuvius is somewhere nearby. Or at least he's approaching. And this is the second thing. We have a big problem. We must bring Mary back to her stable condition as soon as possible or all of us will die even without a fight."

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