Author's note

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Hello, curious reader, I'm Gabe and this is officially the first book I've ever written in my entire life.

I started writing this story in 2013, being a 12yo. The last 3 chapters (or so) were written in 2019. It doesn't mean I was continuously writing for 6 years. More like it's the complete opposite of that. I first wrote most of the story, took a year off, wrote a bit more and then forcefully wrapped it up in 2019. Then the English version spent almost 4 years in my drafts without being touched at all. But finally, here we are.

The original language was Polish, but I translated (read: lazily ran through Google translate) the whole thing, so it doesn't sound THAT bad, as the original version sounded VERY cringe (it's an understatement). And you could easily tell when the individual chapters were written. 

I tried to fix it a little, but I would have to rewrite at least half of it, so I decided to leave it as it is and post it for fun.

- first of all, I should mention I have done zero research on an0rexia, from which the main character struggles. I do apologize for anything related to that.
- sooner or later you'll get confused where the story actually takes place. I have no idea either.
- the characters speak in foreign languages. I don't and so didn't Google translate those 10 years ago when I used it. Some lines may make no sense to you if you're a speaker of any of those languages. The translations of the used phrases (or I should say "what I meant") will be provided right after the phrases.

TRIGGER WARNINGS (will be updated as I translate more chapters)
- the main character struggles from an0rexia (mentioned) and d3pressi0n (mentioned)
- lots of bl0od; de4th & murd3r (subtle description written by a 12yo so it's not exactly that graphic)
- mentions of s3lf-h4rm (act & w0unds) and su1c1de attempts

last note from me: you can totally skip from the prologue right to chapter 5, chapters 1-4 are fillers I wrote later with the intention to writing a spin-off of the introduced characters, which I gave up on XD those 4 chapters bring nothing into the story and are pretty much unrelated 👍

Amen and God bless you, good luck with what you're getting yourself into.

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