chapter 23 : The Crystal Galaxy

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Lynda POV

"Vic IV, do you think my sisters won't notice that I'm gone?" I asked sarcastically, sitting tied to a chair.

"You know what, baby?" the tall, slim man with jet-black hair replied with a question. "It seems to me that we have been waiting long enough, don't you think?

I weighed what he implied when a thought occurred to me.

"They're working on a plan to defeat you," I said, sneering, smiling to myself. "Because they are not afraid of you."

My long, bristly hair must look deadass in this dark basement. Funnily enough, last month it was much shorter, and brown with blond highlights, all natural. But as a sign of rebellion, I dyed it in a crazier color. Blue. And I started using extensions. It all started quite recently. Even before I ended up in this stupid basement.

I've always felt different. I only wear black, sometimes scandalous clothes, I wear strong makeup, and my face and body are decorated with many piercings and tattoos that I adore. I have over ten earrings in my right ear and my right arm is covered in a detailed sleeve tattoo from my shoulder to the very tips of my fingers. I also wear many accessories every day, such as hand-made wings or even entire outfits, kinda like cosplays. People, seeing me on the streets, look at me with contempt, but I always walk with my head up. All of them mundane people can kiss my ass.

When Victuvius left the room, saying he had something important to do, I began to wonder if Marilyn already found out what she was. Me and Zarina knew everything from the very beginning, but neither Marylin nor Fleur knew about our existence. Or this whole Anri dude or whatever. A sorcerer from a different rank. I don't even know why Zarina talks about him as her brother, after all they are not related in any way...

Anri comes from the Ice-Blooded family. Each of their lineage is cold and explosive in character (I wonder if there are any exceptions), and their distinguishing skill is making magic without using any magical objects, of course except for their bare hands, if you consider they're magical, too. I was always envious of that.

After a moment, Victuvius opened the door and entered the room. He was holding a strange object in his hands. He probably wanted to do some magic.

"What did you bring this thing for, if you can do magic without any help, so to say?" I started asking, wriggling in my chair like a small child.

"And why are you using your legs when you can just conjure up a pair of wings?" he answered and took care of setting the item on the table.

"Honestly, I didn't think about such a solution." I admitted with a smile. "But I think it would be too much of a hustle."

"See? You answered that yourself."

Victuvius, still staring at one point, quickly did multiple things at the same time. He was also an Iceblood. It was his father, Victuvius McDevil, who killed our great foremother, Katrine.

Suddenly he came quickly to me and grabbed the back of the chair on which I sat. He dragged it violently towards himself and lifted with such lightness, as if it weren't a chair with a seventeen-year-old me sitting on it, but a weightless pillow. Then he placed me at the table where he had previously set a crystal ball in the color of subdued pink going though all shades of blue into a deep purple. Here and there you could gleaming reflections of light, reminiscent of northern lights, but after a thought it looked more like the stars. It reminded me of the Galaxy. Vic spun the chair to the right angle, then stood on the opposite side.

"Okay, now we'll do the magic," he said mysteriously, glaring at me. "Or, well, just look at the 'magic' being done, I guess."

"What exactly do you mean?" I asked suspiciously, trying to move the chair closer to the ball.

"We'll see if your sisters really are looking for you," he replied and put his hands on the ball. "Raise your hands like me."

"Have you thought it through when you decided to tie me to the chair?" I stated another question, hoping that Victuvius would untie me.

"Well, since you're a sorceress, I thought you would free yourself."

His jaw twitched. For a moment, he kept staring at the ball, then teleported to the room's dark corner, grabbed a scrap of cloth, and reappeared at the table. He didn't make any specific sound, and yet, I could hear his every movement. With one movement of his hand, he completely covered the ball with this material and looked at me. The knots, entwining me from the neck to the ankles, disappeared at once.

"Ha!" I exclaimed, thinking that the disappearance of the rope was my merit. "And I thought I would never succeed."

In fact, he was the one who took the knots away. Apparently, he was in a hurry. At first, I didn't notice the anxiety on his face. It was only when I looked overjoyed at him with radiant eyes that I realized something had happened. He got visibly pale, though it would seem that a man couldn't get any paler than he was. Well, maybe he wasn't a human being...

"In the end, something is happening," he whispered in a voice devoid of any color or emotion, and then disappeared, leaving me terrified and confused in the basement.

To sum up, I hate this guy. 

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