chapter 22 : The Grand Return

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Marylin POV

When I opened my eyes, I was finally home. I mean, Margaret's house. I immediately started looking for Kate, but as she was nowhere to be seen, I assumed that she probably went to the beach. It's been some time since Margaret's death, so it already got easier for Kate to spend her time by the water. Suddenly I heard Fleur's annoying voice behind me.

"You could've warned me that you wanted to travel," she brushed the dress off the dust and approached me. "Where are you going to go now?"

I looked at her blankly and confused, she seemed completely different. I didn't let it show through my behavior though. I went upstairs and stopped next to Margaret's room, where I drew a passage door to the beach on an empty wall. Before I opened the door, I added a peephole with a small speaker and looked through it. It looked like the door would lead us straight to the bar. In quite a near distance, I saw Kate and Leon heading towards her. Before he reached her, he asked her questions that I could easily hear.

"Where's Marylin?"

"In France... At least that's what Anri told me," Kate said, coming up to him.

Leon came to her and grabbed her by the wrists. She looked at him taken aback. I could see anger in his eyes, but above all, it was fear.

"Who is this Anri guy? What does he want from her? Where can I find him?"

Leon belongs to the collection of Hopelessly Enamored without a doubt. What a jealous fool.

"I don't know," said Kate, confused, truthfully.

I didn't know where he could find him either. Anri always appeared out of nowhere, whenever he pleased. He didn't even say where he lived.

"Don't act like a fool! I know you know," Leon seemed more and more angry.

"Leon, calm down..." Kate began to struggle, but he only tightened the grip on her wrists.

I decided to intervene. I opened the door and Kate shivered, quite hard not to notice. Well, she felt the chill of my arrival. She looked at Leon again, tiptoed to his ear and whispered.

"Let go of me, Marylin will be here in a few seconds."

He clearly relaxed his grip and only then did a shiver run through his body. Suddenly he noticed a small snowflake on Kate's nose. He smiled and let her go. I stood behind her back. Kate, seeing the smile on Leon's face, turned away and threw herself at my neck without a second thought.

"Marilyn! You have no idea how I missed you!" Kate shouted in my arm.

"Well, it happens that I know," I murmured into her shoulder.

Leon leaned against the wall with his eyes closed and smiled from ear to ear. Once I managed to free myself from Kate's grip, I slowly approached him.

"Why were you so worried about me?" I asked aggressively, almost reproachfully.

"Can't I worry about my girlfriend?"

A red lamp lit in my head. He answered the question with a question. That wasn't okay. I mean, I just don't like it. And then, as always, he attempted to embrace my waist. Which I not only nimbly avoided, I also managed to slap him quite hard despite me being as small as I am. I know that a slap in the face is child's play and generally overrated, but it just happened like that.

"Oh, Leo~" I sighed, imitating Rita's disgustingly sweet tone. My sharp fingernail traced a thin line on his jaw. "Are you really such an idiot or are you just pretending? Do you really think that if you say that every girl is yours, then it will be so?"

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