chapter 20 : It Never Shines in Kiruna

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Marilyn POV

... "Once upon a time, in the perfect world, lived the sorceress Katrine Allworld. She was the most powerful in the history of magic and wizardry, and had absolute control over everything on Earth. In spring, she gave birth to a daughter and called her Zarina Flora. Zarina wielded nature and everything connected with it. She was the Queen of Vegetation. Lynda Keenly, the second daughter of Katrine, came into the world in the summer. She was the Queen of Blaze. In autumn, her third daughter, Fleur Weather, was born. She, the Queen of Weather, was in charge of all kinds of weather phenomena related mainly to the wind. In the winter of the following year, Katrine gave birth to her last daughter, whom she named Marylin Freeze, the Queen of Cold. She had control over the cold. She was the opposite of Lynda. All the sorceresses lived in harmony until the daughters grew up. That was when disagreements between them and their mother began. One day Katrine got so upset that she projected a mysterious mirror. The daughters, not suspecting anything, looked into it every day. Little did they know, every time they saw their reflection, a little piece of them was getting attached to the object. In the end, the mirror pulled Zarina into its surface, then Lynda, then Fleur, and lastly Marylin. Nobody but Katrine knew where the girls were. They were in the distant past. No tangible exit existed. The young sorceresses had to create a portal. The problem was that each of them was in a different place. They had to find each other and join forces to return home. The wizard Joseph and other people they met in the mirror helped them. When they returned to the present, they found their mother dead. They then became the most powerful in the world. After a few years, history repeated itself. And so it has for centuries, to this day."

I don't know what to think about it. It's a pity that you're not here with us. You could help me somehow. Or at least cheer me up. Sam can't do everything the way I would like him to. And probably as he would as well.

I miss you. I hope to see you soon.
Yours, Marylin D.

I carefully folded the letter, put it in a white envelope and stamped it. I took the letter to the kitchen.

"Fleur," I turned to her as kindly as I could. "I'm going to send a letter."

"D'accord [okay]. Come to my room, I'll show you on the map where the post office is."

"No need, I can handle it," I said and went towards the front door.

"Wait," Sam stopped me. "I'm coming with you."

"No, Sam," I disagreed and held his shoulders. "You have to rest."

I looked into his eyes and wanted to give him a little kiss, in a friendly way (and don't think otherwise), but instead of his velvet lips I felt only a subtle mist. Margaret's soul has left my bony body for good. She probably felt uncomfortable. Or cold. I looked at Sam, confused and embarrassed.

"Don't worry," he said with a smile and stroked my jet-black hair. "Go now. I feel something amazing will happen along your way."

I opened the door and was about to leave when I heard his voice behind me. 'I love you'. I pretended that I didn't hear anything and closed the door behind me.

Somebody's gotta be kidding me. Another exhibit to my collection of the Hopelessly Enamored. At first it was Leon, then Tommy and Jacob, and now Sam. Well, his soul.

Only when I heard the turned key in the keyhole (yes, Fleur's grandma liked to be extra secured and lock the door even when she was inside), I looked back and couldn't believe my eyes. My bag hung on the handle. I don't think anyone has ever seen a girl who was so happy when she saw an ordinary leather bag. I probably squealed with delight.

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