chapter 14 : The First Travel - Egypt

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Marilyn POV

I noticed that the more time we spent in the past, the more often I was sitting alone at home, while Kate and Margaret went out with our new friends to the beach. I was worried that we would never return to our families, they seemed not to care about that at all. I felt as if something broke between us, even though they didn't do anything to me. Nothing special happened. Maybe that was the reason. I don't know. I didn't feel as lonely as when my grandmother died, but I sensed a strange emptiness inside.

One quiet and cloudless night I decided to quietly get out of the house. I put the wand box and a wallet in my bag. I slowly got up from the couch I had been sleeping on for several days, and went to the door. I've been trying to devise a plan for a long time, and finally I decided that it was completely pointless and that I would leave without a specific goal.

I opened the door slowly and went out into the cool night air. It was fresh and slightly moist, and fragrant with spruces (I have no idea why the spruce). A weak breeze brushed my face and gently ruffled my hair. Fortunately, it wasn't long enough to even reach my shoulders, otherwise it would get tangled.

I approached a small gate and stopped under the slightly blinking street lamp. I looked carefully left, then right, and then went across the street. For a moment I hesitated where to go, until I finally started down the dark alley. Although it was spring, it was getting cold for the night (as I mentioned earlier), so I decided to wear my gloves. Not only will they warm my hands, they will also protect me from possible danger, whatever that may be.

Despite the poor visibility, I moved forward, slowly passing by the tall trees. Suddenly, somewhere on the right, I heard someone call my name. The voice sounded familiar, but I still tightened my fist the box in my bag, ready to use my pen.

"Marilyn?" I heard again. "It's me. Tommy."

'Right, how did I not connect the dots immediately'. I breathed a sigh of relief and took my hands out of the bag. I went to the illuminated bench on which sat the familiar redhead.

"What are you doing here?" I asked curiously, sitting on his right.

"I come here every day. Without any real reason, to be honest. And you?" the boy leaned towards me (strange shudder).

"I ran away from Kate and Margaret. I don't even know if returning to them makes any sense. We don't get along well lately."

"I noticed recently they hang out together, just the two of them."

Tommy was getting closer to me. I didn't like it, but I didn't react. He was so close that I could see my reflection in his eyes. When he put his left hand on my waist and buried his face in raven-black hair, I heard another familiar voice. 'Oh, no,' crossed my mind and I quickly turned my head towards the direction from which the previously mentioned voice came. Tommy muttered something under his breath; apparently, he suffered a bit. He also raised his head and understood what scared me so much.

Linda Thomson stood in front of the bench in a wool poncho, followed by Sarah and Rita. Her eyes were swollen and her cheeks were shiny. Before Tommy could open his mouth, I connected the fingertips of my index fingers and whispered "Decamptorius!". The familiar blue light flashed, it got chilly and I was gone. I wonder what their faces were. I would give anything to see them.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, I was on a wide sidewalk in the center of an unknown city. I looked around like an idiot, and people were still walking past me. I didn't see their faces because it was dark, but they all had a clearly darker complexion than me. Suddenly, a girl with huge black curls and of a darker complexion than the others, came up to me and said something in a strange language, probably in Arabic.

"Do you speak English? I'm from Poland," I said when she seemed to be done. I didn't understand even the shortest word from her speech.

"Of course! My name's Zarina Flora. I'm studying technical design at Cairo University. Can I ask you a few questions?" she answered me with a strange accent.

"Yes, but you said you're Zarina Flora, didn't you?" I noticed, struggling with translating her speech into Polish in my head.

"Yes. I'm Katrine's Allworld 'daughter'" she replied, then added: "You too?"

"I'm not really sure... but I'm Marylin."

"Pleased to meet you. Also, this is my brother, Anri. He can speak Polish."

"Hi," a tall, black-haired and terribly pale (I'm paler anyway) boy that I hadn't noticed before came up to me and spoke in an actually good Polish.

"Hey," I smiled at him and stretched out my skinny hand.

However, he ignored it and looked at the bus passing by. 'Cool'. I was a little happy that he wasn't another one of those lady-pleaser gentlemen. Nevertheless, that whole 'cool' sounded pretty sarcastic in my head.

"He's so shy," Zarina explained to me and looked at her brother with exaggerated tenderness.

"Oh, so..." I started without confidence and started swinging on my heels. "If I can, I'll go home now. But. Can you give me your phone number?"

"Yes, naturally," Zarina took a sticky note from me and muttered under her breath, pointing the index finger of her right hand on the paper: - 'Numbertorius!'. A phone number at once appeared on the paper. I wanted to mark the number in any way, but suddenly Anri tore the piece of paper from me and crumpled it into a tight ball. What an asshole! I already wanted to punch him in the face, but I stopped just in time. For a moment he just held the paper in his fist until a green light flashed and he opened his fingers again. Carefully, I took the card (never taking my eyes off it) and looked at it. There were two strings of eight different numbers. I labeled them and closed my eyes. Again, I touched my fingers and whispered "Hometorius!"

The blue light flashed and I disappeared. 

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