chapter 37 : The Bloody Kiss

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Marylin POV

"Marylin, where have you been?" Kate got up from the couch as soon as she felt the cooler air in the room.

Only after a while did I see them. I was still smiling under my breath, proud of myself. I've never treated anyone like that before. It was quite unlike me. What if Agis wanted to tell me something important, though? I guess this kinship with the Icebloods is starting to get to me.

I looked up. Six pairs of eyes, namely Kate, Zarina, Lynda, Fleur, and Sam, as well as some jacked dude in a suit, were staring at me. I looked at myself too. I had my pants on, luckily. Well, maybe they were a little torn, but everyone knew it was on purpose. I had my shirt the right side out, everything was normal here as well. Quite indiscreetly, I touched my hair to examine its condition.

"What's going on?" I asked suspiciously when I realized that everything was fine with my appearance.

The only thing I couldn't do was check my makeup, but I don't think I was crying.

"Where the hell have you been, girl?" Lynda stood up abruptly and briskly walked over to me. She stopped for a moment, looked me in the eye, and without even a trace of surprise (I mean, by the color of my eyes) walked up the stairs.

"What's gotten into her?" I asked again and sat gingerly on the edge of the couch, still watching everyone in the living room.

I was most interested in this big guy. I've never seen him before. Where did he come from? And why did he come here? I don't know. He was black, like Zarina, and had a short haircut and a funny mustache under his nose. And sunglasses on his nose. As if instead of lamps, it was the sun lighting up the room. It may have been bright outside, but please, don't overdo it.

He was wearing a navy blue suit and shiny black shoes. "He looks like that cop from a vampire movie. Just black. He still could be with the police, though". I took a closer look at his jacket and noticed some badges. "Or maybe he IS a cop...?" I looked at his left hip, then his right. He had a gun in his waistband. "A cop", I confirmed and started to wonder why he was in our house. "What for?! Marylin, for God's sake, use that brain! Something must have happened. Maybe it's about Laura...? Or maybe..."

"Anri didn't break in here," I said quickly, deciding to keep his real name to myself.

Fleur leaned her head on the backrest and looked at the cop from a sort of upside down angle.

"I told you it was him who kidnapped her," she said proudly, a wide smile creeping across her face.

"Wait, you... you were looking for me?" I was surprised and for a moment I looked at the faces of the gathered. "What for?"

"Mary," Kate began. "Imagine how you'd feel, how you'd react if you left one of us dead in bed, went out for a while, and came back to find an empty bed?"

She had a point. I'd definitely feel weird. And the girls didn't even know I was immortal. I myself didn't know about that until I found out first-hand. It's cool - I'll never die, I'll be able to "rule the world". But what if I end up like Katrine, killed by a poisoned arrow? Vic can surely come up with something that will kill even an immortal. After all, if you think about it a bit, immortality isn't as cool as it sounds. Especially if you can't find anyone to spend that eternity with. But on the other hand, I can play with guys' feelings all the time, which is 100% fine with me.

"Lynda was terribly worried," Zarina pulled me out of my thoughts and just like Lynda had done before, she came to me. "If you want to know why, you should ask her."

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