chapter 47 : Renewal

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Victuvius POV

I sat there calmly, gently tapping my foot to the rhythm of a melody that had been stuck in my head for some time now. I didn't know where I had heard it before, but I can easily say that it's starting to get on my nerves. It's too cheerful. But maybe it's a good sign? A sign of victory? I don't know.

What I do know is that waiting is getting on my nerves even more than this melody. Where is Marilyn? She was supposed to be here long ago. Or maybe she's cleverer than I think? Perhaps she's waiting for me to let my guard down? Well, she can wait all she wants. I'm one hundred percent alert ever since I last looked into my crystal ball. Back when I still had Lynda by my side. Before that raven-haired brat snatched her away from me.

"Lord," the doors swung open with a loud bang and Agis stood there. I twitched slightly. "We need to talk. More specifically: I have a proposal."

His voice was as firm as ever.

"Be my guest," I said intrigued, pushing back the chair next to me from the table where I was sitting. "What is that proposal that you have?"

A little confused and overly careful, Agis went inside, nodded his head with an overt display of respect, and closed the door behind him. The room grew dark as I aimed to save on lighting expenses. Why should I use it when I can see perfectly in the darkness, much like a cat? Despite that, I had to strain my eyes because even though my office was a small one, Agis disappeared from my sight. I found him quickly.

He stood by the bookcase, which held books on the history of magical families and other trifles. On the wall next to it, hung the contract that defined the terms of our partnership. He reached out his hand and gently ran his index finger over the signature he had placed there. He breathed in.

"I'd like to renew this deal," he said thoughtfully, turning slowly away from the wall.

Then he slowly circled behind my back and sat down on the chair I put forward. I was watching him closely. Something felt off.

"And why should I agree to this?" I asked inquisitively.

"I'm sick of it," he began to explain, his gaze absentmindedly fixed on the fingers of his right hand as they tapped the table in the rhythm that wouldn't leave my head. "Sick of Marylin and her presumption of superiority. She simply annoys me, and I wish to cause her harm. I'm fully aware that I am at fault, and that you never engage in such requests of this nature. Nevertheless, I thought it would be worth a try."

His voice was fast and still firm, although to a lesser extent than at the beginning.

"Any arguments that would indicate that I actually need you?" I asked with superiority, folding my hands as if for a prayer and I rested my chin on them.

"Marylin trusts me, that's probably the strongest argument, right?" I nodded thoughtfully, and he continued. "I also have a lot of information about her, I know what she's doing, where and at what time..."

"If that's the case," I interrupted him, "tell me where she is now?"

"I apologize, lord," he replied sadly. I'm not legally obliged to fulfill that request."

He was right. After the break of the contract, he wasn't obliged to do anything for me. He planned it all well, I must give it to him.

I took a moment to think about what I just thought. "He planned it well?" I laughed at my heart. I'm the most powerful of the Ice-Blooded, why would I care about a stupid deal with such a low-life creature. I could force him to speak at any moment, in any way. But then it would be no fun.

"So, if I understood you well," I started slowly, "after renewing the contract, will you tell me everything?"

A deafening silence was the only reply I received. As if Agis had suddenly dissolved into thin air. Could he have truly done so? It would be nonsensical. I rose slowly from the table and approached the spot where he had been seated a moment ago. He was gone. Peculiar. He couldn't have simply vanished like that. He wasn't capable of it, I had never taught him that.

I began to scan the room, searching for any trace. Could he have mastered that elusive spell to disappear without the slightest trace, all on his own? Without the faintest sound, without any movement whatsoever? I must find him as quickly as possible. A player of his caliber will be useful.

The real rat race will begin only with him. 

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