chapter 46 : Clipped Wings

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Marylin POV

It was a cold and gloomy day.

I sat alone in silence by the window and counted the droplets that lazily drifted down the cracked glass. I didn't believe it was just the rain. I didn't want to believe it.

'Those are the tears of God', I thought and salty tears that weren't controlled in any way rolled down my cheeks. I felt the same way at my grandma's funeral. I remember it as if it was yesterday. But it's been about six months since Grandma Rebecca passed away from a heart attack. Or maybe I felt worse now. I don't know. 'What happens now?' I asked myself like a psychopath. After all, I knew very well that in every family someone eventually dies. Well, you just have to live with it and move on.

I woke up in a dark and small room. The air was heavy with the smell of dust and old fur coats. I reached my hand to something that was rubbing against my head, tangling my hair. It was soft, very soft. A fur. I started groping for something that could get me out of there. And finally, my fingertips found a longitudinal crack.

I pushed the door and found myself in a dark, tiny room with one big window. The room where I had been compulsively thinking about losing my beloved grandmother. My bag was on the windowsill. I grabbed it and hurried out of the room. The cursed mirror was still hanging in the corridor, and everything was still burning in its reflection. I approached it and waited to be sucked in, but nothing happened. Except that the mirror showed a figure that appeared silently behind my back. I turned around.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

"I just came to warn you," he said in a quick whisper. "Vic knows Kate is one of the five sisters and abducted her. He wants to turn her into an Iceblooded. He keeps he-"

"I know where she is," I interrupted, "I was there."

"Why didn't you release her?" he asked and his eyes widened. Did you just want to enter the mirror?? You wanted to run away?!"

"Sam, quiet" I hissed and looked around.

I approached him slowly and threw my arms around his neck, then hugged him tightly. My charm still worked. I wanted to improve his mood a bit, to relieve the tense atmosphere that had become unbearable lately. However, he didn't let himself be appeased. He firmly grabbed my wrists and tried to free himself from my grip, but I didn't give up.

"You can't make a run for it now," he said again. "Vic is in his element, he's capable of attacking the non-magical world. You must do something about it finally. Only you are capable of that. Once and for all."

"I'll think about it," I whispered back and let go of him.

I wanted to talk to him about what he was doing, but he unexpectedly disappeared. So, I took the wand out of my bag and pulled on my gloves. I felt a nice tingling in my fingers as I spelled Magictorius.

"Alright, Vic," I said aloud. "Get ready for some fun."

I faced the mirror again and tried my hardest to imagine the place where I saw the Lord of Death. The place that most would call hell. The place where I saw a live dragon for the first time in my life. The place where I almost died from sulfur poisoning. This place that had just appeared in the reflection. The mirror began to grow and after a while I felt a sharp smell of sulfur. The ground was still warm.

"Victuvius," I called in a sweet voice. "Where are you hiding, daddy?"

The dragon slowly crawled out from the ground. Up close, it was not as big as it seemed before. Only now did I notice its huge and frayed black wings. When I looked into its eyes, it growled and seemed to grow. Thin smoke wafted from its nose. Maybe the dragon wanted to scare me away, but at that moment I wasn't scared of anything. I knew that death was awaiting me. The question was whether it was mine, or Victuvious's.

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