chapter 52 : Memory

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Kate POV

The plan was clear - I was supposed to check up on that Marylin girl and inform Victuvius about her condition.

As I approached the door, I felt a strange twinge in the back of my skull, as if my brain wanted to remind me of something important. But I didn't know what. Before I even had time to stop at the door, I started banging my fists on the door with all my might. I didn't even know I could clench my fists, let alone strike with such force. Strangely enough, the only thing I saw with my inner eye was that no one would answer. Nothing more. As if something that defied every rule and pattern was about to happen. Something unpredictable. My power had never failed me before. Out of frustration, I began pounding on the door even harder. I heard some noises coming from the inside, but I couldn't identify them.

As I decided to scare them a little, I walked calmly towards the garden, weaving through the densely planted flowers and shrubs. The gardener must have spent a lot of time arranging this garden. And the owners must have paid a hefty sum for it. I had never seen some of these flower species before. They probably had to import them from abroad. What is the point of importing plants that would eventually die? I shrugged and stepped on a wilted tulip.

I already had a plan in mind, knowing what to do to make things a bit more amusing. I needed a ladder. I wanted to quickly get inside through the upper window and find the nearest mirror. I knew they would soon want to barricade all the windows - I had just seen it happen.

The ladder was not so far away, near a tall cherry tree. As I approached and bent down to pick it up, I once again felt a sharp pain in the back of my head. Another memory that I would never see again.

I put the ladder under a window that was not yet boarded up. I had never had trouble with heights - as a child, I helped my parents in the orchard. I climbed swiftly to the top of the ladder and cautiously peered inside. If someone were to notice me now, it would spoil the fun. I put my foot inside the room, shifting my weight onto it. The floor creaked slightly. Military boots were certainly not the best footwear for staying incognito. I tried my best to minimize noise as I moved towards the opposite corner of the room where I spotted the mirror. Now all I had to do was enter it and wait for someone to come into the room. And someone would definitely come. I could see it.

Vic trained me on how to draw people into the mirror. Contrary to appearances, it was incredibly easy. I just had to enter the mirror myself and utter a simple spell. I also mastered the art of entering the mirror silently. I practiced for a long time when Vic abducted me from my room. At first, I wasn't very good at it, but then something clicked, and everything started going smoothly. Later, I found out that it was thanks to some foolish Frenchwoman who thoughtlessly burned my diary that, as Victuvius called it, was the "last good part of me." Through getting rid of it, I was able to improve my skills.

Now, I entered the mirror and cast my prepared spell on it. The image began to ripple slightly, assuring me that the spell worked. A half-smile crept across my face. All I had to do now was wait. I went through the plan that Vic prepared in my mind again. I couldn't wait for the moment when I could finally blow out all the windows. That is going to be the real thrill. Everyone will start panicking, and Marylin will want to play the unbeatable heroine. That is, if she doesn't simply die before then.

I heard footsteps on the stairs, and I cleared my mind of all thoughts excitedly. The fun was about to begin. The shadow of approaching figures grew on the floor. I looked closer. There were two figures. I smiled to myself. Vic would be proud. Two birds with one stone, all during my first serious mission of this kind.

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