chapter 43 : Six Stupid Letters

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Marylin POV

Terrified, I tensed up, sat stiffly on the sofa and listened closely but I didn't hear anything. The room was entirely quiet, dead quiet. I know that I'm a terrible pessimist, but despite that I felt somewhere deep down that whoever lay in Agis' alcove was not dead. I could feel it in my bones. Or however the saying goes.

The bar was too quiet. It felt as if my ears got plugged. Just like when traveling to the mountains. Or getting pulled in by the mirror. Actually, I haven't even thought about this comparison before. I felt like I was in a vacuum, yes.

This silence was slowly getting on my nerves. Rhythmically, I tapped the tip of my shoe against the edge of the table. I unconsciously began to chew on my cheeks. And bite my nails. A great war was happening in my brain. To stand up and see what happened, or to sit silently until Victuvius' next arrival?

If this lying person is still alive, they could attack me. If they are alive, but have not much time left, their death will be partially my fault. And I'm no coward, so I decided to investigate the situation. As much as possible. I stood up slowly and winced as my knees cracked loudly. I stretched my limbs (cracking sound again) and put my gloves on. No, I don't know how they appeared in my pocket, either. Apparently, they are designed to do so. When I needed them, they were just right here. I didn't want to use the pen. If this person were alive... I think I would have a heart attack if they sat on the floor with their eyes fixed on me when I directed the wand's light at them. Oh God... I have a far too vivid imagination.

I hesitated for a moment whether to keep going. But the thing is, I had nothing to lose anyway. You only live once. I moved unsteadily toward Agis' alcove, dragging my feet on the floor trying my best not to lift them. I could step on that someone and then what? The closer I was to the memorable table for two, the more shaky, slow and hesitant my step was. Then I stopped abruptly.

Despite the general darkness, less than ten inches from the tops of my shoes, loomed this lying figure. I took a deep breath and crouched down carefully. I didn't do anything, just listened for their breathing, which I didn't find. I decided to turn my wand into a flashlight and light the room a bit. I closed my eyes when the bright light flashed and I opened them only after a moment, when I got used to it. What I saw scared me so much that I shrieked like the whistle of boiling water in the kettle.

Actually, I didn't want to react this way, I was going to scream as loud as I could. It was fear that thwarted the plans. In front of my knees, in Agis' alcove, there was none other than Agis himself. I didn't know whether to cry, shout, or God knows what.

By the way, I should stop saying that God knows anything. He has no idea about the magical world, not to mention that most likely someone like "God" doesn't exist at all. And Victuvius? Victuvius has control over everything, he's the one holding all the cards. He knows everything. Every single thing. From now on I'll be replacing God with Vic.

I was getting sick, although I had nothing to puke with. Except for tears maybe. I'd like to say I wasn't bawling. Or at least my eyes didn't shed any tears, though I think my body was trying to cry, as some muffled groans escaped my mouth.

I sat there, lying Agis on my lap, and every now and then covered my mouth with my hand, biting my lip, so as not to explode. Screaming or crying, I don't know. What had such an effect on me? Probably the sharp object that was stuck straight into his heart. I gently touched the flannel shirt soaked in blood. It was still fresh. Warm.

I put my hand under my nose and smelled the blood. Something was off. It didn't smell like blood. I'm not saying it was ketchup, but I could smell freshly cut grass, hyacinths, nut chocolate and only a little of the characteristic metallic smell of blood. I felt strange again. That's exactly how Agis smells, I associate him with such smell. And now he was dead, right in my arms.

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