chapter 3 : No Holes in The Fence

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Marylin POV

I leaned my back against the wall and embraced my knees. Time to think where to spend the night. Mrs. Olga was out so there was no one else I could turn to. With a sigh I decided I'd sleep there, on the bench, like some junkie.

I looked around. I didn't see any familiar faces. I mean people from school. Just some grandparents with grandchildren, parents with kids. I glanced further, at the shore, toward the pier. A young couple was having a wedding shoot. I sighed. It would be nice to one day meet some nice guy, get married and live in a wooden house in Siberia. Or Alaska...

"Hi, Bones," Dmitri's voice woke me out of my thoughts.

"Hi," I replied, somewhat surprised by his presence and the fact that he spoke to me at all, "What are you doing here?"

He sat down in front of me and began to take various things out of the bag he carried. I watched him with curiosity. I instinctively stuck a strand of hair behind my ear. I had no idea why he brought a blanket, some wrapped packages or a box of matches. Maybe I suspected something, that he was going to a campsite with Grigori for example.

"Dmitri?" I started shyly after a moment of silence, awaiting explanations.

"I heard that you had a fight with your mother again," he replied calmly, not getting his eyes off his bag.

"Damn..." I murmured to myself, "I knew that rumors spread quickly, but to this extent?"

"What are you rambling on about, Bones?" Dmitri was giving me a curious look now.

"I'm just wondering what you're up to," I said with a slight smile.

"What? You haven't guessed yet?"

I must admit, he surprised me with this question. It was possible he intended to pitch a tent somewhere nearby, but now I started doubting that. I don't think he would be so surprised that I didn't figure that out. I shook my head.

"We decided to throw a small party with you," said Grigori, who had just appeared behind Dmitri and embraced him at the waist.

I looked at them alternately with a frown. To be honest, the smile didn't fade away from my face, but I still had some doubts.

"Why?" I just asked.

"Well..." interrupted Vlad after approaching from behind my back, "you're the only girl in the class, the only anorexic in Moscow and the only person in all of Russia who gets herself kicked out of the house because of an argument. I'm pretty sure you should be known all over the world."

Despite all efforts, a red blush broke into my cheeks. That's why I never liked falling in love. Because then, after the infatuation fades away, your body seems to remember how it used to react to this person and whenever they speak you still blush involuntarily. Probably it's an embarrassment that I could feel something towards that person. Or maybe I was still not over him at all? Maybe it was only my brain wanting to mislead me? I don't know and I don't want to think about it. In general, I'm not going to think about being in a relationship anymore.

"Honestly," I started shyly, "I would prefer to spend the night somewhere alone..."

The boys exchanged some strange looks. Damn, how annoying. Everyone but me always knew what was going on. Vlad cautiously squatted in front of me and looked deeply into my eyes. It felt strange. I moved away a bit.

"Look, Bones," he said in a serious tone, "we haven't sneaked out of our homes for you to complain now."

"In that case, why did you just run away?" I still did not understand. "I'm used to it, contrary to you."

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