chapter 44 : Facebook

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Lynda POV

It's been a while now that I don't have the slightest idea what to do with myself, especially on weekends. I miss the girls terribly. Kate, specifically. Man, we had such a great goodbye that now I can't stop thinking about her. I spend hours just lying on the sofa and imagining her lying next to me. I miss Zarina, too. But I have to admit, I don't miss that French princess Fleur even in the slightest. She'd get on my nerves so much that when I got home, I was glad to have peace of mind.

I looked at the laptop resting on the floor. The screen was off, but I knew it was still on, I left it on Facebook. I was low-key stalking Kate to see if she wasn't active by any chance. I desperately wanted to talk to her. 'Maybe she's active now?'

I got up lazily and sat on the floor, turning the screen of my dear old laptop on. Having scanned the list of my active friends, I sadly noticed that Kate wasn't there, same with the rest of the girls. As I had nothing better to do, I looked at the home page.

Daniel, the guy from the bar, shared some stupid link again. I knew it was something stupid and yet I still clicked. To my surprise, it wasn't something nonsensical, like that "when aliens come to Earth" thing he shared last time. No, this time it was an article about Victuvius. They wrote that someone overheard his latest plans. Maybe Anri snitched on him? The article said that Vic wanted to attack the non-magical world, but the Existus authorities stopped him in time. Something didn't feel right. Why would he want to attack this world if we no longer threaten it? And how did the non-magic know of Vic's existence in the first place? Or about the Existus world? Something was off about this.

Never mind, I scrolled past that. Nothing But Thieves are playing a concert in Los Angeles soon. Bring Me The Horizon recently released a new album. Andy Black is working on a new song again. Some news from the fashion world. Studs are back trendy now. Although for me, studs are fashionable always and forever. But blue is no longer hip, it's burgundy now. I guess I'll have to buy some new hair dye.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar sound. My heart skipped a beat. Kate texted me.

(A/N: the following sequence is gonna imitate a real group chat, have fun)

[Kate]: Hi Lynda. You free to talk?

I was happy over the moon. She texted me first. I felt a strange warmth inside me as I analyzed her brief message. I replied right away.

[Lynda]: with you always ;)

I nervously tapped my fingers on the keyboard as I waited for her to read my message. She started typing back right away.

[K]: You have no idea how much I miss you Lyn...

The warmth I had felt before now hit me twice as hard.

[L]: same here...

This time she read it right away but changed the subject.

[K]: Do you know when Zarina or Fleur will come on?

[L]: hey, hey, hey, don't tell me you're cheating on me!
kidding, idk when any of them will be online, why?

[K]: I have something important to say

[L]: what you mean?

[Fleur]: Bon jour, what are we talking about?

[K]: Hi, Fleur. For now, nothing, we are waiting for Zarina.

[L]: yo, frog eater

[F]: Hello, Blue. I thought you were no longer part of our partnership.

[L]: ???

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