The Broken and the farm

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    My heart stopped and I could feel hot tears welling up in my eyes. I approached the horse with my mom and was about to step up, when I was tugged back. "Hey we don't know where she is you can't go with her!" Daryl protested. I glared at him. "I don't care who she is Daryl! I need to be there for my brother. Now let go." He roughly let go of my wrist and stepped back. I climbed up on the horse, my mother following behind and the woman who was named Maggie kicked the horse to move. "You are on the highway? Go down the highway, turn right you'll see a farm says Greene it's hard to miss." With that we left the rest of our group in the dust. 

   When we got to the farm, I came face to face with an elderly man, a young woman with her dirty blonde hair in a side ponytail and my father. My father rushed into his arms and she cried into his chest. "Where's Carl?!" My mother asked frantically. "Come inside with me." The young woman instructed leading us into a two-story white colored house. The house looked absolutely spotless and not at all barricaded. It was as if they were living in the times before the world went to hell. She opened a wooden door and we looked to see Carl in a queen sized bed laying there unconscious. My mother grasped onto his hand and cried. "Miss I assure you we will do everything we can. My name is Hershel. Please may we talk about this in private?" The elderly man introduced himself then motioned out of the room. My mother wiped her tears away and Rick helped her out of the room. Leaving me and my brother alone. 

      As soon as the door shut I burst into tears. I grasped onto my brother's limp hand. "Carl I'm sorry I should've stopped you from going. If I had this would have never happened to you." I told him. But it was like I was talking to a non responsive wall. "I'm going to stay right here with you I'm not leaving." I sat back in the chair and prayed silently. Praying that somehow my brother would be alright. 
          Otis the bastard who shot Carl, and Shane were off on a run to the high school to get antibiotics for the operation that had to occur. When my brother was looking at a deer, Otis shot the deer hoping to get a meal for the Greene's his son Jimmy, and his wife Patricia. Unfortunately he shot my brother as well. So the bullet shattered into 4 pieces.

     I sat where I had been for four days now. I refused to leave Carl's side. "Hey." Beth the young woman, who was 17 and Hershel's daughter stepped foot into the room. I glanced at her but didn't't respond. "Would you like anything to eat?" She spoke very softly, as if I was as fragile as glass. I shook my head. "No thank you I'm good. C-could you send Maggie your sister in here please?" I asked quietly. She smiled weakly and nodded. In a few moments Maggie came in. "Hey what do you need?" She asked her southern accent clearly visible. "I want you to be honest with me." She was about to object. "Please Maggie I need to know if you think he'll survive." There was a few moments of silence. "I don't know if he is or not. But you just got to hope and hold on to that hope." She smiled before leaving me to think about her words. Before i slipped into the darkness, beside my brother.

        I was abruptly awoken by the sound of voices, and the sounds of a car. I arose from the bed and peered out the window where flashing headlights lighted up the black night. I rushed outside and opened the screen door. Shane held Otis's rifle but there was no sign of Otis. "Where is Otis?" I questioned. Shane looked at me, and my mother and father. "Rick, Lori I.. there were just so many of them, he didn't't make it." my father hugged him and then let go taking the antibiotics and other medical supplies. "We don't tell Patricia she's my assistant for the operation we tell her after." Hershel commanded. We had to leave the room so they could operate on Carl so we just stayed in the living room and Shane went upstairs to take a shower. "Um Hey would you like to see my room and maybe look at some of the books? or something?" Beth offered. I smiled. "Sure why not." she lead me upstairs and lead me down the hallway to her room. it had a queen sized bed a dresser and a big shelf. it was very simple especially with the white walls but it was still very nice, and spacious. I strolled over to her shelf to see all the books, and CD's caught my eyes. "You're into music too?" I asked but it was more of a statement then a question. She smiled and nodded. "You are too." i was about to say something when the door opened. walking down the steps I saw Glenn and T. I sighed in relief and embraced them both. "Thank God you're both here. T they can take care of that arm." Maggie nodded and lead T away. Glenn motioned me outside and I followed closing the door behind me.

        "How is the rest of the group? did you guys make it up here okay?" I asked. "Yeah we're all fine at least i think and the ride was alright. Maggie she is so..." i laughed. "seems like someone has  a little crush on the farmer girl." He looked down. "I wouldn't say that i just think she's beautiful is all." He flushed with embarrassment. "Where did you find that guitar?" I questioned changing the subject. "Dale found it, along the highway. They're coming tomorrow by the way. Daryl almost came tonight but he instead decided to look for Sophia along the tree line again near the highway. He's worried about you. You know that right?" I shrugged. "I worry about him but I don't know if he is overly worried about me. Besides i pissed him off when I came here." He shrugged. "Why wouldn't he. He didn't want you to go because he doesn't want you getting hurt not that it will happen." Silence took over us and I grabbed the guitar that was leaning against the pillars of the porch. grabbing i sat down on the chairs, and began strumming random chords. "You can play?" I smiled. "Yeah a bit can you?" He laughed. "Not that i know of." he sat beside me. The only thing that was heard was the whistling of the wind and the strumming of the guitar. I yawned and put the guitar down. "I'm going to try to get sleep. Goodnight Glenn." He got up from the chair and opened the door. "Same and goodnight to you." I smiled once more then retreated to one of the extra bedrooms and slipped into a peaceful sleep for the second time tonight.

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