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  When we approached the camp Glenn Ran up to us. "hey Glenn." I greeted him and he smiled. "um Rick told me he wanted to talk to you. Last time I spoke to him in the forest I believe he's still there." Before I could respond he walked away and started trying to catch up to Maggie. "Where are you going?" My mother questioned. "out, In the woods." I stated. "You just got back and it's sunset I don't feel comfortable with you going." I rolled my eyes and sighed. Daryl looked at me then spoke up. "I'm going hunting I'll take her there." He stated. I didn't wait for her reply and we went straight back into the forest again. 

        We approached a stream where my father crouched, and was rinsing his arms attempting to get the caked dirt off of his skin. "Wynter. Daryl." He said, Daryl nodded in response. "Why did you want to talk so bad?" I asked putting water on a cloth I got from my bag and began dabbing it on his face where dry blood was. "Thank you." His accent rang through and I smiled. "Does Shane seem off at all? I love him like a brother. But he is getting out of hand and quite frankly he is pissing a lot of people up." He winced as I went over a scratch with the cloth. "Sorry" I mumbled rinsing it in the stream and ringing it out. There was sudden rustling in the bushes and we all aimed our weapons at the moving forest brush. "Why are you pointing the weapons at me um can you maybe please um set the down?" Glenn asked nervously. We sighed in relief and and I pulled Glenn into a hug. "Oh thank god it's you and not some outsider." I said pulling away. "Glad you're okay Glenn did you get the supplies easily? Was there any trouble?" Well now I know who I got it from; asking a million questions. My dad. "No Harm it's all good. Hershel wanted your assistance on something want me to take Wynter back?" Glenn offered. It was as if I wasn't't there for the moment. I shook my head and starts walking away from them. "I'm going to see if I can go make another run into town. I know Glenn just got back but I need to get other things as well."  It seemed that Carl was mostly bored with really nothing to do and he knows how to fire a gun so maybe I could get him that as a gift. 

       "Do you want me to come with you?" Rick questioned. Why did my father have to be overprotective I'm not so sure. "No it alright, I'll be alright. Don't worry besides I am after all your daughter." I replied he grinned and he stood up. "You know I'll never stop worrying about you." he kissed my forehead and Daryl slung his crossbow on his shoulder. "I'm coming with ya." Daryl stated. I sighed, yet accepted it and We started walking away leaving Rick and Glenn to fade in the distance.    

    "You know you don't have to always come along." I said as I drove the lime green Mazda on the road. It was way easier to drive now that psychopaths weren't driving on the road. I slowed my driving pace and i glanced at him. "I know." I continued looking at him and i turned back to see a walker. I gasped and Daryl swerved the car, we left the walker in the dust and he let go. "If yer goin' to be driving pay attention  to the damn road!" He growled. "Thank you." I said. He didn't respond and silence fell over us.

        We got out of the car and started walking to the little store in the town. it was not a big town to start with and now it was a ghost town, with cars and houses left untouched. Yet it still looked like a tornado had torn it apart. In the distance I could see a couple walkers so I raised my bow, got an arrow out of my quiver and shot one, Daryl shot the other and I shot the last one. One by one they toppled onto each other, limp. I walked over retrieved the arrows, then we approached the store. I cautiously made my way into the store with my gun in hand, and Daryl following in tow. Fortunately there were no walkers. I sighed in relief and began walking around. Some shelves were knocked over, pills, food were scattered all over the store. People must have come here to stock up. After going through all shelves and sections of the store I finally found food, medicine and weapons for the group; Guns, hatchets, crowbar and another bow only it was a compound bow with a quiver full of arrows. Lastly I found a pistol for Carl fully loaded. 

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