Feelings and relationships

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 The commotion must've caused walkers to come, because walkers flooded to the front of the store. There were about a couple dozen of them and there were two of us.Two words came to my mind. Holy shit. I grabbed my pistol out of my holster and was about to shoot when Daryl slapped it out of my hand. "You want to get us both killed?!" He whisper shouted. "It's faster and it will buy us time to get out of this mess. Trust me!" I yelled, he stared at me before grabbing his gun and we started firing. We ran towards the exit turning around now facing the decaying creatures and walking backward while shooting. "Let's go!" He yelled. We were in the parking lot now and I turned around to see Daryl surrounded by 5 walkers. Grabbing my knife I stabbed one at the back of the head. I turned and kicked one in the gut causing it to tumble and fall to the ashpahalt. Slamming my foot against it's head a couple times, it finally went limp. He nodded and swung his crossbow across one's head, killing it almost instantly. Shooting one more with my pistol, that was behind him he nodded. "Look who got his ass saved?" I smirked and he glared before loading his crossbow. An arrow whisked passed me and I looked behind me to see a dead walker, covered in its own blood, on the asphalt. "Come on lets go!" I yelled, as I saw walkers file out of the store. Daryl got into the car and started the vehicle. He started driving off as soon as I closed my door.

        "Holy shit! I've never seen so many of them, besides on the highway." I said, breathing heavily trying to catch my breath. "When people die there becomes more of them. They must be going in groups nowadays since there less people the bastards can feed on." Daryl said. He pulled over on the side of the road, and got out of the car. "Get out of the car." He commanded. Confused I got out of the car, and he started scanning me. "What the hell are you looking for?" I asked, a bit agitated. "Don't flatter yourself, I'm checking for scratches of bites." He let go of my arm and I nodded, grabbing a pack of cigarettes out of my pocket. "You smoke?" He questioned. "No, I thought you could use one though. You seem tense." He grabbed the pack and slid the cigarette out of the box. He put it to his lips and I passed him a lighter. He lit it and exhaled, leaving a puff of smoke to the air. "Hey sorry about earlier." I said as he threw his cigarette on the ground and lit it out. "Sorry for being a dick." I gasped dramatically. "Did thee Daryl Dixon just apologize?! It's a fucking miracle!" I danced around joyfully and he rolled his eyes, but a smile creeped to his lips. "He's smiling too!" I giggled and he rolled his eyes, taking a swig from the water bottle. "Are done having your fun yet?" He questioned. "Mhm nope!" I said popping the P. I began dancing again and he grabbed me in his arms. "You are annoying as hell sometimes." I smirked. "So are you." 

        I had my hands on his chest, and he looked down at me quizzically. Slowly I pressed my lips to his. He didn't even bother to push me back, I was just as surprised as he was I think to find that he was kissing back. Though it was with a little force it was sweet. We pulled away, and looked down at the ground as my face turned a shade of pink. He lifted my head up from underneath my chin with 3 of his fingers. He kissed my forehead. "We should get going. Your dad is going to start being worried." I smiled, all the way to the car and all the way to the prison. Who ever knew i would be head over heels in love with Daryl Dixon?  

Daryl swung the prison door open and I still had a smile plastered on my face. Maggie gave me a wink and i flushed. Back at the farm when we were in the field she told me that Daryl and I would get together, who would've knew? I strolled over to Glenn and Maggie. "What's with the smile?" Glenn questioned, as he wrapped one arm around Maggie as they sat on the stairs. I blushed even more, and Glenn grinned. "Oh you and Daryl?" He asked. "I don't know we just kissed. That don't mean we're together." Maggie rolled her eyes and leaned on Glenn's shoulder and they intertwined their fingers. They sure were a cute couple.  "Okay seriously someday we need to paint the cell block with something/. I honestly don't care what but the dull grey color just won't do." Maggie said, scanning the whole room. I smiled but it faded when I remembered. This is the end of the world, everything is scarce to find INCLUDING paint. "I'll tell you wha if I find paint I'll get ut." Glenn said to her. She sighed. "Fine." They stared into each other's eyes and I knew it was my signal to leave.

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