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          How long I stayed there crying I'm not sure but tit was quite a while. Finally I wiped my tears roughly away and stood up. “Neither of you tell anyone about this.” I told them. “You know you're going to have to tell him sometime.” Maggie said, looking at me sympathetically. “Yeah well now is not the time, I will think of something until then. Thank you.” I replied before walking out of the bathroom. When I went into our room I sighed in relief as Daryl wasn't there. Usually I would be worried as hell but I didn't want to face him now. How could I. “Wynter you fucked up so bad.” I mumbled to myself. A tear streaked down my face and I laid in bed thinking of all the situations that could happen with a child. Oh shit I screwed up bad how were we supposed to do this?


            There was a knock on the door and I jumped thinking it was Daryl. The door opened and it revealed Glenn. “Hey.” He said slowly, sitting on the bed beside me. “Maggie told me do you need anything I'll make a run into town if you need anything.” He offered, but I declined. “No, Oh Glenn what the hell am I going to do?” I cried, resing my head on his shoulder. “You need to tell him soon.” He replied. I sighed and shook my head. “How? You know how Daryl is he will freak out, I don't even know if he'll stay.” He looked at me puzzled. “Why would you say something like that?! Don't think like that Wynter.” Sighing, he took my hand. “Do you see this ring?” He asked and paused for a moment before continuing. “Wynter he couldn't leave you. He won't you should know Daryl by now.” I nodded and slowly began Believing Glenn. “The Hell are you doin' chinaman?” Daryl's voice filled the room and Glenn stood up abruptly and left the room brushing past Daryl as he exited the room.


           “Where did you go?” I asked, embracing him. He looked down at me and kissed me on the forehead. “Went on a run.” He responded setting his crossbow down. “Are ya alright?” He asked. “Yeah I'm fine Great actually.” I reasurred him. He stared at me for a moment as if trying to read me but then shook his head and laid down. I laid down beside him and tried to get to sleep, but I knew that I wouldnt.


        The next morning I awoke and felt a bit off. Ignoring it I went into the kitchen and I was greeted by my father and Carl. “Hey sleepy head.” They smiled. “What do you mean?” I asked. “The group has been up for 4 hours now.” My eyes widened. “What why didn't anybody wake me?!” I asked, as Carol passed me a bowl of oatmeal. “Daryl siad not to wake you. He said you were up allnight everything alright?” She asked concern evident in her voice. “I'm fine.” I replied, eating the bowl of oatmeal quickly. “Somebody was hungry.” Carl mumbled walking past me. “Hey shut it.” I snapped. He put his hands up in defence and continued walking with Hunter. “Um hey is anyone going for a run today?” I questioned. I wanted to get pills. Carol smiled warmly and nodded. “Yeah Glenn, Daryl is.” I nodded and grabbed my bow and quiver. I walked outside and I saw Glenn and Daryl figuring out on a map where we were going to go. They glanced at me then turned back to the map. “What are ya doin'?” Daryl asked as I approached them. “Going on a run with you guys.” I stated. “Wynter! You can't do that what-” I shot Glenn a warning look and he closed his mouth. Daryl looked as us quizzically and shook his head. “Ain't worth my time.” He mumbled before picking out a spot. “We'll go there.” He pointed to a pharmacy and store that was about 50 miles away. It would be about a day's trip and we would be back by tomorrow night.


         We took a mazda that we found. It was black and similar to the one Maggie had so long ago. It felt like a lifetime ago. I sat in the back and I began to feel queasy, oh no not now. I put my hair behind me, and covered my mouth. “Stop the car.” I said. Daryl instantly stopped the car and I opened the door and got out, and vomited in the ditch. My hair was pulled back from my face and I glanced to see Daryl before vomiting again. Wiping my mouth I took out a water bottle and swished it around in my mouth before spitting it out again. “Wynter, are you okay?” He asked concern clearly visible. I tied my hair back in a ponytail and nodded. “I'm alright I'm sorry.” I whispered. He pulled me into his arms and we got back in the vehicle only this time Glenn drove.


         We finally arrived at nightfall so we were super cautious. The pharmacy in the store was stashed. The whole store was, probably because somebody barricaded the entrance. We had to push through in order to get in here. Daryl and Glenn were looking in a different section giving me the chance to check out the pharmacy for abortion pills. After a few minutes looking I found the little package. I stared at the package for a while, and a couple tear drops landed on the pill package. I took a deep breath and opened the packet and put 2 pills in my hand I sensed someone looking at me and I lowered my hand away from my mouth. Turning my head I turned to see Daryl standing there with astonishment, a bit of anger, and a little hurt.

    He snatched the package out of my hand and scanned over it. "Yer pregnant?" He asked Breathing heavily. "Yes" I said quietly. He paced back and forth. " did he know?!" He yelled as he referred to Glenn. "Yes." I whispered. " YOU TOLD HIM BUT NOT THE CHILD'S FUCKING FATHER?!" He shouted. Tears streamed down my face, and he towered over top of me. "How long have you known?" He asked, staring coldly at me. "A couple days," Tears spilled and he stared at me. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's my fault. If you want to leave go right ahead I'm not stopping you." He ran his hand through his hair. "I ain't leaving. I don't know how to be a fucking father either." He said staring at me. "Maybe I should just take them." I cried more and he slapped the pills out of my hand and he took me by surprise as he wrapped his arms around me and brought me close. "We're not killing the child. I hope the kid isn't as stubborn or stupid as you." He hissed, I ignored it and continued hugging him. 

   "It's my fault i put you through this." He silenced me. "How the hell is it yer damn fault? Wynter you weren't the only one at fault." He sighed, and slung his crossbow on his shoulder. "What do ya need?" He questioned. I couldn't believe how Daryl was acting! It amazed me, but I wasn't going to complain. 

    After we grabbed everything we needed, Daryl made me stay by him at all times. And To think he was protective before. Glenn met us and we walked out of the building. We walked over to the car and sped off. "Did Anyone else  know?" Daryl asked. "Maggie, Michonne and Glenn knew." I whispered barely audible. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, stroking my hair. "Because I was afraid." I replied resting my head on his shoulder. "You don't ever have to he afraid of me." He whispered in my ear then pulled away. "Get some rest you two, I'll drive." Glenn told us. "Nah I'll keep chinaman occupied and makes sure he actually stays on the road when he drives." Rolling my eyes as they continued to scoff and make comments I fell into a deep sleep.

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