Familiar faces

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             The wind howled as the bitter cold nipped at our skin. It was now the middle of Winter and the trees, and asphalt was covered with a soft white blanket of snow. Daryl grasped onto my hand as we travelled through the forest. All the places we tried to stay, at was a death trap. We trailed behind the group and every chance Daryl got he would place his lips on mine quickly. I admit he was still suffocating protective but he was also more affectionate, I'm not sure why. Although I did love his protectiveness and him none the less. ‎The group came to a halt, and we stopped at a 3 story house. Daryl let go of my hand and approached the house with his crossbow at ready. My father drew out his gun and nodded his head at Daryl. They opened the door and went inside. "I'm cold." April whined. Taking my jacket off I passed it to her and she took it gratefully. It was too big for her but she took it and turned and the sleeves went everywhere. "Stop it!" Lucas hissed, and she stopped and looked down. Samara was her usual bitchy self only she decided it would be AMAZING to flirt with every guy!      


        After a few minutes Daryl and Rick came out with blood on their shirts. Concern filled me, because that was not walker blood. "W-whose blood was that?" I asked hesitantly. "A man who tried to shoot us and wouldn't shut the hell up, said he was gonna shoot one of ya." Daryl responded, as he slung his crossbow on his shoulder. "He ain't in there anymore there is nothing bad in there anymore other than that the house looks like a damn good place." He added I rubbed my hands together and breathed on them trying to warm them. "Where's your jacket?" My father asked. "Gave it to April she didn't have one." I replied as we made our way in the house.


          Almost EVERY SECOND room was a bedroom. There was actually a lot of rooms in the 2 story house. It was one of those homes in which the home looks smaller on the outside but once you get inside it is huge. We each picked out the rooms and the house was bright and vibrant colors. There were pictures on the wall of the family that lived here. There was at least six children and two parents. No wonder why there were so many rooms. They looked similar to each other and Samara growled and went outside of the house. When she passed the pictures she looked sad. The pictures had a girl that somewhat looked similar to Samara. She was happy and flashed a smile as she held a 4 year old boy who was laughing. They were in a soccer field and the woman had her foot rested on the soccer ball. I was astounded, that was Samara!


        She was sitting on the steps outside the house and she had her head in her hands. I rested my hand on her shoulder and she shook my hand off of hers. "GET THE HELL AWAY dumb bitch!" She yelled as tears streamed down her face and landed on the snow, melting it. "I WAS JUST TRYING TO COMFORT YOU NO NEED TO BE A BITCH ABOUT EVERYTHING! LOOK I GET IT SUCKS THAT YOU LOST YOUR FAMILY I LOST MY MOTHER AND OTHER PEOPLE I CARED ABOUT BUT YOU DON'T SEE ME BEING A BITCH TO PEOPLE! I DON'T EXPECT YOU TO LIKE ME I DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF YOU DON'T, BUT DON'T YOU DARE BE A BITCH TO MY FAMILY OR THIS GROUP!" I yelled. She stood up and pushed me roughly back. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" She yelled. "MY PROBLEM? WHY DON'T YOU TAKE A LOOK IN THE MIRROR AT YOUR BITCHY SELF? IF IT WAS MY CHOICE YOU WOULD BE ON THE FUCKING GROUND WITH A BULLET IN YOUR DAMN HEAD!" I shouted. A fist connected with my jaw and i stumbled back from the amount of force. Tackling her to the ground we began to fight, throwing punches anywhere we could. I held her down and continued to punch her when Strong arms pulled me off of her, It was my father. "WYNTER, SAMARA WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!" I tried to swing my fist again when Daryl caught it. "THIS BITCH JUST PUNCHED ME." I yelled, trying to get past Daryl.

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