Leave me

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     My father released me and we recollected ourselves. I sighed. "Rick i have a ques-" I was cut off by an all too familiar southern accent. "Where the hell is china man and Maggie? I heard screams. What the hell is going on?" He asked and was about to say something when he stopped dead in his tracks. He looked as if he had seen a ghost. My father nodded at Daryl. and he walked up to us. "What do you mean their not back?" Rick questioned. "No their car is missing and i didn't see them at all when i passed the store." Daryl said keeping his eyes on me the whole time he spoke. A blush creeped up my neck and to my cheeks. I stared at the ground as if it had become the most fascinating thing in the universe. I looked up again and I spoke up. "They were taken and I know where now lets go kill some bitches." I grinned and my father frowned. He was still not a fan of my swearing. "No." Rick and Daryl stated in unison. "What why not i know where they are!" I yelled. "So does Michonne." My father stated. "I'm going inside to check on the rest of the group."With that he walked away.

        "Well?" I asked agitated. "Well what?" He asked. Sighing I wrapped my arms around him. He didn't react at first but then he embraced me. "I haven't seen you in a long time." I breathed out, burying my face into his chest. He held me close. "I'm going." He pulled away. "Hell no. You just got back. You cant be that stupid to think that i'd actually let you go would ya' " I stepped back. "Daryl it's Maggie and Glenn and your brother is in Wood Bury."  I said.  He stood there shocked and shook his head."Yeah exactly why you should stay. I'll go with Samurai and Rick. Besides i don't think he wants his daughter to leave either." He didn't even give me a chance to reply. He walked into the prison. I strolled into Cell block C where the group lived and where I would too. I walked into a cell Rick had told me it would be and i looked to see my stuff was already there. It was beside Carl's cell on one side and Daryl's on the other. Shaking my head i walked into his cell to see he was getting more arrows and his knife. "Daryl?" I asked leaning against the steel barred door. He wasn't really focusing on me as he was too busy trying to find his pistol. "Hey." I grabbed his arm which made him turn his attention to me. "What?" He asked a bit harshly. "You don't have to go." He scoffed. "Of course I do imma see if i can get my brother, China man and Maggie back." I sighed grabbing my knife, My pistol and my bow. "What the hell' you doing?" He walked up to me. "I'm going whether you like it or not or my father. I'm a good shot and I learned how to defend myself. Believe me, you don't know what they did. Killing them with a gunshot would be the most merciful thing i could do." He growled in defeat. "Fine whatever but you stay by me. I don't care if you like it or not I ain't letting you slip away from this group again. Now let's go kill the bastards." I smiled and nodded. "Deal."
It was good to have the group back and most of all, Daryl back. Me, Rick, Michonne and Daryl bid short good-byes then we were on our way. I swear when we get there all hell is going to break loose.

   Daryl got slammed into a rock and Merle was about to clock him in the face when Daryl punched him. He got up from the ground and grabbed his brother. Pulling him down to the ground only to have Merle pull him down and put his hands on Daryl's neck. He put alot of pressure on his neck and I cried harder if even possible. "NO NO NO NO please," I screamed and I stumbled into the center and tried to get Merle off Daryl only to have another sharp pain in my leg. I looked down to see another gunshot in my leg. Blood was seeping through my jeans. Martinez had a smirk and I turned around and grabbed onto Merle's arm as I fell to my knees. He pushed me roughly off, giving Daryl enough time to grasp his hands onto his brother's neck. "YOU SICK BASTARD!" I screamed at the governor. No they couldn't actually fight to the death Daryl couldn't die I couldn't lose him too, I had lost so many  people and if he were to lose I don't think i could go on. I cried harder as Daryl started to cough in his brother's death grip. Daryl said something to his brother, and before anyone could react Merle pulled his brother up and they started turning on the militia and the townies who held the walkers. 

        Gunshots rang out and I knew Maggie and Rick were shooting behind the wall. The military shot back and there were smoke bombs that went off so they couldn't see us. Screams filled my ears and everyone was trying to make it into the buildings. "C'mon let's go!" Merle shouted. Within a mere moment Daryl was by my side and he ripped off a bottom piece of my plaid shirt. he tied it tightly onto my leg. I winced in pain and grimaced. I struggled to get up so he lifted me up, He carried me bridal style. He punched one of the townies that had his crossbow and grabbed it. We managed to exit the town and my vision was getting blurry. "Rick your daughter!" Maggie pointed at Daryl and I. He set me down and Daryl slung my arm around his shoulder. "Oh my gosh Wynter!?" Daryl signaled Maggie and she took Daryl's place, as he killed a walker. "Merle isn't coming with us."Rick stated. "Do you really wanna do this now?" Merle questioned killing another walker. "We got to go!" Daryl yelled. Rick sighed. "Let's go!" We started walking while killing walkers. I knew it would be a long walk to the car, where Glenn and Michonne were sitting waiting for us. Miles away. I began to feel lightheaded and I shook my head. Daryl looked at me and for once he had a sliver of fear in his eyes. I felt very lightheaded and I was lifted up. "We'll get ya back." Daryl whispered before kissing my temple.       

I awoke in the Green Mazda and I could hear yelling outside. I reached for the door handle and opened it up. A sharp pain came to my leg as I tried to move. Fuck. my leg. "Daryl are you serious you can't just leave!" I heard Glenn say. "No Merle No me." I could see them from the windshield. Maggie was about to say something when she stopped all eyes were looking into the car. Daryl opened the door and Merle chuckled. "How 'you feelin'?" He questioned. I didn't reply. " You're leaving?" He nodded, and my heart felt like it had been ripped out of my chest and stomped on the ground. "Yeah I'm heading off with my Brotha." My heart got crushed even more if even possible. "WHAT? You can't just leave!" He scoffed. "He's blood." I shook my head. "NO he's your blood. My family, the ones that I care about are back at the prison is here at the prison and right here right now. You're part of that Daryl whether you like it or not. You're brother isn't part of that.You can't leave me." I could feel his hot breath on my face.  "You don't mean nothing to me girl." His words pierced my heart. He slammed the door in my face and walked to the back of the car and grabbed his arrows, and other supplies. "Take care of em, Lil asskicker, Carl he's a tough kid." He said to Rick and walked off with his brother. He left The group. He left me. Tears threatened to spill but I couldn't and wouldn't cry anymore. My father entered the vehicle and looked at me with sympathy. Maggie, Glenn and Michonne got into the vehicle. "Are you alright?" My father questioned. "Im fine." I replied. "Are you sure-" I cut him off. "I'm fine." I said through clenched teeth. I knew he wanted to talk to me but I was glad he decided to drop the subject. 

                We pulled up to the gates and we were greeted by Carol and Carl. "Where's Daryl?" She questioned. "Gone he went with his brother, said you'd understand." A tinge of jealousy coursed through me. He was way more sweet with Carol when it came to saying good-bye than with me. I was dragged out of the car, and Carl looked horrified when he saw my leg. "Get her inside. Get Hershel to operate on her. NOW!" My father demanded. 

        Hershel stitched my leg up after he took out the bullets, which thankfully I was unconscious from the majority of it.
Despite that it was hard to move around, because he only had one leg and had crutches, he successfully did it. 'Why would Daryl leave? Why did he say what he said?' I was ripped away from my thoughts by Carl shuffling into my cell as Hershel left. "Hey bud. How is my favorite brother?" He chuckled slightly. "I'm your only brother." I opened my arms and he sat down on the bed of my cell, and embraced me. "Is he coming back?" Carl asked cautiously. I sighed and grasped his hand. "I don't know. If he does, I might have to punch him a couple of times, or stab him, so He'll know how it felt." My blood boiled just thinking about it. "Well obviously somebody's pissed off. I got to take watch, can you watch Judith for me?"Before I had time to respond he put my baby sister in my arms. She was so beautiful and she had brown hair, and brown eyes like Lori. My mom. I rocked her and softly sang to her. After a while she fell asleep, and I looked up to see Beth standing in the doorway. "If you want to rest I can take her." She offered and I gladly accepted. I needed to rest, the faster my leg heals the faster I can be help to the group. Wow everyone excluding Judith in my family has been shot. I shook my head and closed my eyes. I knew i wouldn't be able to sleep for a while but I could try so I could maybe try to get Daryl out of my damn head.

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