All good things must come to an end

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       "Do ya trust her?" Daryl questioned as we walked into the guard tower that night since we had watch. "Trust is a very heavy word. No i don't particularly trust her but she seems useful for this group, with getting supplies and keeping walkers from getting to our doorstep." I replied. He nodded. I placed my lips against his and he kissed back. We were interrupted by the sound of a deafening explosion. We glanced at one another and we raced down the guard tower steps and into the prison court yard. Rick, Maggie, Carl, Sasha, Samara, Beth, Tyreese ,Hunter were all present. We looked out past the gates to see a tank, and 3vehicles on either side of it. There were people with guns raised at us and there was a figure standing on top of the tank. "We need to talk." an all too familiar voice echoed. We looked closer to see the figure on top of the tank was none other than the devil himself. The governor. two words. holy shit.

        My father glanced at us with, a hint of fear. "Rick come down here we need to talk." The governor said. "It's not up to me.There's a council now,They run this place." My father replied, the governor shrugged. "Is Hershel on this council? Is Michonne? She on the council, too?"A couple men, brought Michonne and Hershel out of a car and made them kneel in front of the tank. "Shit." I mumbled. "I don't make decisions anymore." My father yelled, so they could hear him. "You make this decision today Rick. Come down here. Let's have that talk." My father reluctantly went down and stopped just before the gates. Daryl tapped me on the shoulder, he passed me an AK-47. "Come on we got this we can take 'em all on." Tyreese stated. "We'll go through the building, through the woods like we planned." Bob said. "No We ain't got the numbers no more.When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?" He questioned us. All of us stayed silent and he continued passing out guns to us stealthily. "The day before the big store." Sasha said. "We were low on rations then, we are a lot lower now." Beth added. "We'll manage.Things go south, everyone heads for that bus.Let everybody know." Daryl replied. "What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad? How long do we wait for them to find out?" Samara asked. Daryl looked at her. "As long as we can." he replied.
 In the distance I could hear my dad trying to convince the governor to let Michonne and Hershel go. Let 'em go right now, I guarantee I will stay down here. Talk as long as you want,But you let 'em go.You got a tank there's no reason for hostages."My father said. "I do though. It just shows you how serious I am.This is just to show you I'm serious.Not to blast a hole in our new home.You and your people, you have till sundown to get out of here or they die, Doesn't have to be like that though I got more people, more firepower true but if you walk away from this prison we won't have to use it." I scoffed what a sick bastard. "There are children here they're sick, and they won't survive if we leave." He glanced over to us who were standing in the courtyard. "I could shoot you all." He stated. "We would fight back!" I yelled. "Yeah but we'll win and you will all be dead. It doesn't have to go down that way though Like I said it's your choice." He replied. 

        "The noise will just draw more walkers to the doorsteps." My father said. "The longer you wait the harder it will be to get out." The governor responded ignoring my dad's statement. "We got to do something." Carl and Hunter said in unision. "The hell are we supposed to do?" I whisper shouted. "Your dad's got it." Daryl replied, not taking his eyes or his hands off of the gun he had pointed at the governor. We all were waiting for a signal from my father to shoot. "They're talking how is that solving anything besides I can shoot the governor right now." I looked at my brother he couldn't be serious, Fifty yards away? No he couldn't make that shot. "50 yards?" Daryl asked. "I'm a good shot." He responded wiht a hint of proudness to his voice. "I could end this. Daryl looked at him for a moment"Yeah, or you could start something else you got to trust your dad that he has it handled." We heard footsteps behind us and Maggie and Beth had gotten back from loading the bus. "I suggest ya tell everyone to start packing." Daryl said. They nodded and they rushed back inside the prison. I could tell things were going to get ugly I could just tell.

        We had been waiting and my father kept on trying to convince the devil that we could live in the prison together and there would be no trouble. That we didn't even have to see them. I tensed up this was the man that had killed Merle, The one who ordered people to assault Maggie, and beat Glenn, The one who kidnapped me from my family and now the bastard wanted to take our prison?! "I don't think my family would feel comfortable knowing that you and your people were here." The governor responded. "We would live in different cell blocks it can work." My father fought for everything he thought was right but honestly I knew it couldn't work. "Look, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy. It's gonna be a hell of a lot harder than standing here shooting at each other. But I don't think we have a choice." The governor shook his head. "It can't work not after WoodBury not after Andrea." Really? his whole group thinks we're the monsters when in all reality he is the true monster. Not us and not even the dead he was. "We're not leaving, if you try to force us we'll just fight back. Besides this place is worthless without the prison fences and the shots will just draw them closer. so it's either all of us or none of us get to live here." My father stated. He grabbed Michonne's katana and put it to Hershel's neck. "What we want is what you got." The governor Yelled. "Time for you to leave, asshole." I said, gripping tighter onto the gun I had in my hand. "Is this what you want? Is this what any of you want?" My father questioned pausing for them to think for a moment.Look, I fought him before and  after we did, we took in his old friends.They've become leaders in what we have here, if you put down your weapons, you can walk through those gates and if you do you're one of us.We let go of all of it, and nobody dies.Everyone who's alive right now.Everyone who's made it this far.We've all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive.But we can still come back.We're not too far gone.We get to come back.I know we all can change" He turned his attention to not just the governor but to his people too. The governor took the katana away from Hershel's neck. I smiled, Yes. "Liar!" The Governor shouted we all looked confused. Blood curdling screams erupted from Maggie, Beth, Hunter and I as the Katana sliced through the air and cut though Hershel's throat. Hershel fell limp on the ground. He killed HERSHEL!!!

        "No!" My father screamed We started shooting, and bullets flew in every direction across the sky. I continued to shoot back at the people that were trying to kill us.In the distance I could see Daryl shooting at the people that were beside the tank. I dashed over to where he was and we both ducked down, from the rubble and bullets that flewtowards us. I shot a walker in front of us and Then killed a man that was shooting at us. Daryl glanced at me and shot another person. "Stay by me." He yelled over the roaring of bullets, and explosions. "No I can't I need to go into the prison. "Are you fucking crazy!?! They are destroying the prison and it is collapsing. Yer not going in there!" He yelled. I shot a walker close to him and I turned to the direction where the prison was. He gripped onto my wrist. "Yer not going!" He yelled. "You can't stop me!" I hissed and got out of his grip. I heard him growl and call my name but I ignored him.

        I coughed as I inhaled the black smoke in my lungs. There was a huge hole in the prison adn inside there was rubble scattered all over the floor. I could hear the cries of my sister. I sighed in relief knowing she was still alive. I ran up the stairs and Grabbed her out of the crib. "Shh it's okay I'll get you out of this." I whispered to her. Her little arms wrapped around my neck and I ran into mine and Daryl's cell. I grabbed my quiver and my bow and slung them on my back. Judith and I were so close to being hit by rubber as one last explosion came. It sent the whole cell block down and there was fire somewhere. I almost ran into Lizzie, Mika and Tyreese but thankfully I came to a halt. "Please Tyreese take Judith, Mika and Lizzie as far away as you can. I will try to find you guys." I started running away. "Wait!" Tyreese shouted. I looked back. "Where are you going?!?" He Shouted. "I need to find The rest of my family!" I called back. "Now get the hell out of here and don't come back."I ordered they didn't bother to question me and they ran off into the forest.

A/N~ Oh my gosh thanx so much for reading!!! :) 

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