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     Wynter’s P.O.V.

        Daryl was pacing back and forth near the tree line to keep watch. Strolling over to him, he glanced at me. The moon illuminated him so I could see him clearly in the night. “Hey.” I said. He examined me all over me. “What are you checking for?” I asked as he grabbed my arm. “Bites or scratches.” He replied, before letting go of me. I placed my lips gently on his. “Thank you for everything you've done.” I whispered. “Why are ya thanking me?” He questioned. “Because you've been protecting me since day 1 you never had too.” He shrugged. “You’re My Guardian.” I whispered before kissing him once more. “I’m going to go and check on Hunter and Carl.” I said. He sighed and nodded. I walked back over to Hunter and Carl. They were laughing about something and Hunter had her head rested on Carl’s shoulder. Smiling I strolled over to them. “Hey.” They quickly pulled away from each other. “Um. Hi Wynter” Carl ran his hands through his hair and got up from the grass. “I’m going to go and see if Dad needs help.” He walked away awkwardly and I sat beside Hunter.

        “Listen I’m sorry I didn’t –“I cut Hunter off. “I’m not mad at you if anything I’m happy. Thank you for being there for him and putting him on the right track. Before you came he was starting to drift off, you see our mom died and ever since then he’s turned dark. You picked him back up I thank you for that.” She smiled. “It was my pleasure. I... Like Carl. To be honest this group let me come back from what happened to me. Having to kill my family, I guess it made me hostile towards others. When I first saw Daryl, Michonne and Bo- The other 2 I almost walked away. There wasn’t a place where I belonged and I didn’t think this group would be any better but I was wrong.” She explained. “Well I’m glad you changed your mind. Besides Carl likes you too.” Her face lit up and I helped her off the ground. Suddenly there were moans and Hisses. Grabbing Hunter’s hand we raced to the vehicle.  All of us hopped into the vehicle. Daryl, Glenn and Rick got Maggie in and Abraham and Rick hopped into the front.

        Tara, Eugene, Rosita, Maggie, Glenn, Samara, Hunter, Carl, Daryl and I were all in the back. Luckily the back of the truck was big enough for all of us to have our own space. It didn’t change the fact that this was going to be a long drive let alone we didn’t even know where the hell we were going.

      I was jolted awake from a bump we hit. Abraham cursed. "Damn it!" My father hit the dashboard with his hand. Abraham pulled over. "We're out of gas." Daryl pulled up the door and the sun blared in my emerald eyes. Hunter sighed and Maggie wearily made her way onto the asphalt.  I got out and we were in an abandoned city. Rubble lay on the streets and some buildings had crashed. There were very few walkers. "Alright stay close to each other. We don't know if we're alone." We began roaming the streets, and had our weapons at ready. Slowly we walked closer and we walked closer to the sidewalk. "Look over there." Michonne pointed. In the distance I could just make out a hospital. My father stared at it too. "That's where we're headed." Maybe the Hospital might be a sanctuary after all?
       Daryl’s P.O.V.

        Cautiously I approached the Hospital.  I peered into the window and it looked very spacious and neat. Why the hell is it so clean? I silently gestured Rick and Abraham to come and back me up. Having my crossbow at ready, I slowly opened the door. A walker Threw itself at me and I slammed the side of my crossbow against it. The rest of the group was behind us, and they had their weapons at ready. I walked along the tiled floors and the lights flickered. There was a buzzing sound to the lights and  the place reeked. Wynter followed closely behind me.
There was silence throughout the building and I opened up a door. There was nothing. “I thought the hospitals were the first to fall.” Hunter said. “They were.” Rick and I replied in unison. “We better get the supplies and get going there may be people here. It looks too clean.” I told them. Everyone followed Rick and Wynter into the room with medical supplies. “Imma go check around.” I told Wynter. She sighed heavily. “Daryl I’m not sure you said so yourself there could be people here.” She tried to convince me to stay. “If there are people here we gotta find out.” She ran her hand through her hair. “Fine I’m coming with you.” Without hesitance I replied. “Hell no yer staying here.” She folded her arms across her chest.

        Wynter’s P.O.V.
         “You can’t FORCE me to stay.” He scoffed. “To hell I can’t. Yer not going!” He protested. Rolling my eyes I pushed past him. “I’m not asking.” Anger flickered in his eyes. “And I ain’t either. Why the hell is it so damn hard for you to listen for once?” He asked venom dripping through his words. “Sounds like you.” I smirked. Before he could respond I was already walking down the corridor. By now he knew that he Couldn’t convince me or do anything about me coming, so instead he was ALWAYS in front. He came to a halt and I bumped into him. “What is it?” He put his index finger to his lips and He motioned me to duck down on the other side of the door way. He held his crossbow and held it up. I held my bow and there was the shuffle of footsteps. “There are people here James.” A male voice that was rough called to the other people. They stepped on glass shards. “Who are they?” A voice; this time a woman asked shakily. “How the hell should I know Ali do you see them anywhere? No so stop asking dumb-ass questions.” The male voice snarled. "When we find them we're going to kill them." A different voice I assumed James stated. "Why?" the woman spoke again who I believe was Ali. "Becuase we need those meds for you and
our daughter!" He said as if it were obvious. "Look if we're going to survive we need those medical supplies." James told the woman. "Can't we spare some?!? I mean c'mon it might only be a small group of people not like the other ones we came across." She exclaimed. "Those ones killed our son! All the people now a days aren't sane their coldhearted monsters." As soon as we stood up and raised our bows they raised their guns. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?" One of the men yelled.

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