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 Daryl's P.O.V.

        I was taking watch and Rick hadn't left his spot from sitting in front of the car. He looked at his stained hands. I made my way over to him. Rick wanted some of the water and was  going to pour it on himself when I stopped him."We should save it to drink."
"I didn't know what they were." I said. Rick stared at me and I sat down beside him. "How'd you wind up with them" He questioned, pouring some water on a red rag I gave him. He started getting the blood off of him. " I was with Beth. There were walkers at the prison I saved her and I was with her for a while.." I trailed off. He looked at me. "Is she dead?" He asked quietly " No she's just gone, someone took her. After that, that's when they found me. I mean, I knew they were bad, but they had a code. It was so simple and it was so stupid." I shook my head. "There was only one rule and it was enough." I responded. "And you were alone." I looked at him. I guess I didn't want to be alone but why the hell would I admit that to anyone other than myself? "They said they were looking for some guy.Last night Joe said he found 'em I was hanging back. I was gonna leave, but I stayed and I'm glad I did .That's when I saw it was you guys, I didn't know what they could do until I saw them. When they were on You guys. On Wynter."  "It's not on you, Daryl." I looked away from him and Sighed. Hey.It's not on you.You being back with us here, now, that means everything." I stared at him and managed to nod. "Hey, what you did last night anybody would have done that." I replied. He almost chuckled. "Not that." He responded. "Ya were protecting the ones you care about." I replied getting off the ground.

        "Check on the others for me?" Rick asked. I nodded, and approached the vehicle. Wynter, practically jumped on me as she embraced me, but I managed to keep my balance. Her auburn hair, was getting longer and it was half way down her back. But man she was beautiful. She placed her lips on mine, and she was smiling into the kiss. "I missed ya so damn much." She said in between the kiss. I pulled away and looked into her eyes, I studied the features of her face and my blood boiled. There was a bruise on her cheek. I growled. So glad that bastard is dead. To even think that men could do that to these people? I shook my head, and she looked at me quizzically. "Daryl." She spoke softly.

        Wynter's P.O.V.

        "I love you." I breathed. He looked down and pressed his lips onto mine again. He asked for entrance which I gladly accepted. His hands were on my waist and there was a cough. I pulled away blushing furiously to see my Father in front of us. Daryl walked away rubbing the back of his neck. "Obviously he's not the PDA type." Hunter said, Embracing me tightly. "No he isn't which is fine. Oh my gosh! Hunter are you alright?" I asked my voice filled with concern. She had a bruise on her cheek. "Y-Yeah I'm fine one of the men hit me." She responded quietly. I shook my head. Why would someone do that to someone so innocent. Carl grasped onto her hand and led her away. I smiled and turned to Daryl, Michonne and Rick. "We should get going, we only have a couple miles if that until we reach terminus." Rick picked up the duffle bag and we picked up the rest of the bags and started making our way to terminus.

Wynter's P.O.V.
        The road had become very deserted yet we swerved off into the forest. Maybe it was for protection or maybe it was just because it was better than seeing nothing but plain charcoal colored asphalt. My legs were aching but still we trudged along, with nothing but the sound of birds, communicating, crickets and the wind to comfort us. I was in the back with Daryl and I grasped onto his hand. He looked at me but didn't pull away or say anything. "Ice Cream." Hunter said. We all gave her a quizzical look she smiled. "Ice cream is what i miss the most and Pudding man I love ice cream and pudding." Grinning I reached into my bag and I passed her a plastic spoon and chocolate pudding. Her face lit up and she took it. She opened it and took a spoonful and put it in her mouth "Mhm so good." She said around the pudding. I chuckled and Carl stared off into the distance thinking of something. I didn't want to question him I'm sure he wasn't really in the mood for talking.

        There it was! A 4 story train station. It had the Letters bolded and written on the closed windows in white paint.TERMINUS. I smiled and Embraced Daryl. We made it to Terminus. The group is here we will be united with the group. "We're not going through the front we need to see who these people are first." My father drew out his revolver, and he grabbed a shovel and started digging. "Rick what are you doing?" Hunter asked as he continued shoveling. "We're putting the duffle bag with guns in here." He replied. "Just in case." He added. He stood up brushing the dirt off of his jeans and we went in from behind.

        When we approached the building the door that slid down and up was already open. We had our weapons pointed at the citizens. I would call them termites. "Sanctuary for all those who arrive terminus." A woman repeated in a microphone she had head phones on. We walked up to her and she was startled from our presence she slid the headphones down so they rested down on her neck and she looked up. There was a feeling I couldn't shake. Something was off. These people were TOO well off. There was no sign of blood traces and the place itself was decorated with flowers it reminded me of Wood Bury and I shivered. A man came in front of us as we lowered our weapons. "Hello Welcome to Terminus." He stretched his arms out dramatically. "I'm Gareth looks like you've been on the road for a while." He examined our faces. We must of all looked like we had been in a bar fight. We have I'm Rick. That's Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Hunter and Wynter." He introduced us to Gareth. "Hey, Alex. This isn't as pretty as the front not like we have anything  to hide, but welcome wagon is a whole lot nicer.  Alex will take you, ask you a few questions. Uh, but first, we need to see everyone's weapons. If you could just lay them down in front of you." Gareth instructed. I looked at Daryl and he nodded. Reluctantly I put my bow and quiver on the ground. Daryl glanced at me and gave me reassuring look. "I'm sure you understand." Gareth added as he checked out our weapons and examined to make sure there was nothing else on us. "Yes I do." My father said. He looked at the blood all over his face, and his busted lip. Blod was caked on his hands. Gareth, stepped back in shock. "Damn i would hate to see the other guy." Carl looked towards our father than looked back at Gareth. "You would." Daryl responded. "Did he deserve it?" He asked. examining Michonne. "Yes." Carl said blankly. He nodded and picked up our weapons for us. "Alright your good to go. Just so you know, we aren't those kind of people, but we aren't stupid either.And you shouldn't be stupid enough to try anything stupid. As long as everyone's clear on that, we shouldn't have any problems." While Gareth was talking I stared at him taking in all his features. Hie eyes were piercing emerald. His brown hair cascaded down his neck and he had some facial hair. Like us his clothes were slightly dirty. His jeans were ripped at the knees and his brown jacket had some bloodstains on it. But they weren't dark like the walkers. So who's blood was it? Shaking it off I turned my attention back to Gareth. "Alex lead them to the way." Alex nodded and he lead us to the front.

        There was a woman with long curly hair and she looked to be about in her mid 40's. She smiled warmly at us and passed us some meat that she cooked on the barbecue. It smelled somewhat like burnt charcoal but nobody dared to question it. My father watched Alex cautiously as he, was passed a plateful of food. My father, grabbed him and put him in a choke hold. His revolver was raised at Alex, and was touching the side of his forehead. Sweat dripped down his face from nervousness and Alex tried to speak but Gareth silenced him. I raised my bow at the people that had surrounded us. By now everyone had their guns raised on the opposite side. "WHERE DID YOU GET THE WATCH?!?" My father yelled. "W-we got it from a group of survivors that came a couple days ago." He stammered, trying to be calm. "Alex shut the hell up." Gareth warned, he took a cautious step toward us and Daryl put me behind him.

        A shot was fired at us and  we took off. Shooting, with every step we took. "Get them! Close the doors." We raced to the first set of buildings and we ran towards the door that was open. It slammed in our faces. "Damn you people." I kicked and cursed trying to get it open. "Wynter stop it!" My father commanded. Daryl pulled me away from the door. I scanned around the room. There were candles everywhere and there were names written on every tile on the floor. There was a cross and written in red was 'Never Trust.' What the hell is this place. "Looks like a sacrificing place." Hunter pointed out. "We got to get the hell out of here now!" We found an exit and once again ran for the exits only to be stopped and surrounded. 

      We were so close to the fence and there was a train car, in front of us a distance away. "Put down your weapons. Archer, Samurai and Ring leader first!" Gareth was standing on a roof in front of us. Reluctantly they put down the weapons. "Now the girl and the kids." I growled but put my weapon down. "You're going to get in that boxcar or we kill these 3" Gareth told Michonne, Rick and Daryl. Daryl stared at me and turned towards the boxcar. "Ring leader, Archer and Samurai in that order." Gareth commanded. They reluctantly went toward the box car. "What about my daughter, my son and the girl?" Rick called. Gareth looked down upon us. "Alright go. Slowly." He warned. We cautiously walked over into the box car. They slammed the door shut an locked it after we went in. 

     "Rick?!" Glenn's voice echoed through the box car. Sure enough there was Glenn, Maggie, Abraham's group, Tyreese, Sasha and Bob. "You're here." My father sighed in relief. He looked at Abraham's group and Tara quizzically. "They're our friends." Glenn responded. "If they're friends of years they're friends of ours." Daryl replied. "Glad you guy are okay." I embraced Glenn and Maggie Tightly.  

     We were standing there still trying to take in that we had been Locked up in here. My father looked through a hole in the train car. "They're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out." He said. I looked up at him. "What?" Bob asked. "They're fucking with the wrong people." My father responded. Leaving us in questioning and shock. What the hell are we going to do? 

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