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 It had been a few days since Daryl returned with the medicine and people were getting better already. I was almost fully recovered by now. "Where's Carl?" I questioned walking up, to Daryl. "Outside with Hunter. The kid's got a crush on him." I chuckled and smiled. "Well at least he has company." He shrugged. "Imma going hunting." He slung his crossbow on his shoulder. Sighing I planted a soft kiss on his lips. "Be careful and come back." He scoffed. "Please since when do I never return." He asked. "I'm not sure just be careful." I told him. He didnt reply and walked out of the prison and into the forest.

          I made my way outside to see Hunter and Carl giggling about something. I grinned. Hunter turned around and she blushed when I winked. Carl looked up at me. He looked quizzically at both of us and I just laughed. Shaking my head I walked over to them. "What were you talking about?" I asked they glanced at each other then Carl looked at me "Nothing..." I rolled my eyes. "Okay..!" I had a ring to my voice and I walked away to where my father was standing. He greeted me with a smile and I stood beside him. "Are you alright?"  he glanced at me. "i'm fine do you think Carl likes Hunter." I nodded. "Of course, I'm just glad he has some company." I replied. "Same, he isn't as hostile and cold as he was before. He needs her and She needs him." He added. I embraced him tightly and he returned it. "You're a great leader but now it's time you rest. We can handle it now. Why don't you go inside and rest yeah?" he was about to object when I pushed him toward the gates. "Keep an eye on Carl alright" He told me. Sighing I nodded. Strolling back to the garden I noticed they weren't there. My heart raced. Shit. I scanned the area and noticed the gate was still open. What the hell were they doing going out of the prison? Cursing I grabbed my gun and dashed into the forest.

        I had been running for about half an hour and there were still no sign of them. I continued walking, with a fast pace, deep into the forest until I made my way into a town. In the distance I saw them in front of a berry bush, by a nearby house across the highway. Carl stood guard, with his pistol. They are dumb asses. Crawling out of the forest bush I saw a couple of walkers heading towards them. Carl shot all 3 down. "Are you almost done?" He asked, glancing back. She nodded quickly before stuffing them in a box, she had. I could just make out a horde coming. My eyes widened and I raced out to the house. "Carl! Hunter!" I yelled, I grabbed onto their arms. Hunter turned around and gasped. Carl shot down one closest to us and I shot one of the decaying dead in front of us. There were too many of them. I glanced in every direction to see another neighborhood. I pushed them in that direction and ushered them into the beige colored house in front of us. I slammed the door behind us and glared at Carl. "What the hell were you thinking!" I whisper shouted, careful not to draw any unwanted attention towards us. "We needed berries for the tea that helped people heal with colds!" He replied defending himself. "That's not your job! You're supposed to stay at the prison and keep watch there!" I shouted. "There is nothing to guard there! Nobody is coming! All you guys do is farm and watch some dead bastards who can't do a damn thing half the time. I'm just doing what half of you can't!" He yelled. "What the hell do you mean? We just had a fucking sickness going around and the walkers got in and killed people, and we have a murderer in the prison. So don't you dare tell me that there isn't anything to protect. Your job is to protect the people there! Carl we depend on you too."  His expression was cold as ice. "I had it covered!" He growled. "Having a herd coming toward you and trying to fight them off is not Handling it you coud've gotten yourself killed and Hunter!" I shouted, pacing back and forth. "And now were stuck in this house for I don't even know how long!" I added. "You know I wish you would have died from that sickness." He spat. I stood there astounded. I was about to reply when he walked up the stairs and slammed the door to the bedroom. I shook my head and turned my attention to Hunter. "That was brave of you to go with him but next time please don't let him go." She nodded swiftly. "I'm sorry and Carl doesn't mean what he said I promise I used to have a brother and when they say things like that its not true the words just  come  out of their mouths all because of spite." I nodded in agreement. I made my way over to the kitchen that was still clean, with a marble counter, bar stools, a silver fridge and wooden cabinets.

        Hunter suggested that we looked through the house to see if there was anything worth of value while, Carl vented in the herd passed. I knew Carl would come around just like I would but Both of us were equally pissed off at each other. In the end we had found, a couple boxes of ammunition, a couple good knives, another samurai sword and some canned goods. We slumped against the walling the living room. "Mhm, i haven't had good floor like this in a while." Hunter exclaimed eating some butterscotch pudding we had found earlier. "If you don't mind me asking what happened before you met us?" I questioned cautiously. "I was with my brother in this trailer, and I was running through the forest and Daryl and the others found me." She replied looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry." I whispered, she shook her head. "How'd you meet the group?" She asked. "That's a long story. Besides Carl and Rick I already knew before because Carl is my brother, and Rick is my father." I responded. It was night and there were still the sounds of moans and groans from walkers outside too many to handle. "I'm pretty sure we got time." I smiled and nodded. "Okay."

         I had awoke the next morning to the sound of shuffling in the kitchen. Curiously I edged closer to the kitchen only to be greeted by Carl and Hunter. I sighed in relief. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "We were hungry." Hunter replied. Carl passed me a little can with fruits in it and then a bowl with cinnamon toast crunch. "Thanks." He didn't respond, and we continued to eat in silence. "We need to leave today." I stated. They nodded in agreement. "Let's see what we can find here and take it back to the prison. We had stripped anything worthy in this house practically clean, and we were just about to leave when the white door flung open. A figure stood in the doorway. It was a woman who looked to be about the same age as me. She had caucasion skin, her brown hair rested on her chest, and she had chocolate brown eyes. Her style was more of a 'gothic look.' she was dressed head to toe in black and she had two swords behind her back and 3 knives in her belt loops. "Who the hell are you?!" She yelled, pointing her swords at us. 

           "Well answer me!" The woman yelled,pointing the sword closer to us. "Tell us who you are first!" I responded holding up my pistol at her. Carl had drawn his two so she couldn't do anything without getting shot. She scoffed then put her weapons back behind her back. "Samara." She stated, holding her hand out. Cautiously I shook it. I lowered my weapons and looked at Carl. He glared but put his gun back in its holster. "Now would you like to tell me why the hell you were in MY house?" She questioned. "We got trapped in a herd, this was the safest place from those walkers." She looked at them quizzically. "Walkers? I call them skin eaters but walker sounds better." She smiled slightly. "So where are all of you held up at?" She asked, walking into the kitchen, and opened a little container of chocolate pudding. I glanced at Carl and Hunter. My brother shook his head no but i knew If things got out of hand I could kill her. I didn't respond and she sighed and, grabbed a pair of keys from a drawer. "I tell you what, I will give you a ride if you let me stay where you guys are held up at yeah?." I thought about it. Then I remembered the 3 questions Rick always ask before he lets people in the group. "How many walkers have you killed?" I asked. She looked at me then replied. "Too many to count." I nodded, and Hunter looked at me quizzically. Ignoring her I continued to ask the questions. "How many people did you kill?"Her eyes went cold. "2." She replied. "Why?" She took a deep breath. "Because they deserved to die they were sick bastards." Samara had a bit of hurt in her eyes. "Alright. We have a Prison, there is a sickness though so just be aware, that it might not be as safe as you think." She shrugged. "It's a hell of a lot better than here."

        Samara led us out into the back of the house. The air was warm, and the sun shone heavily on us. The neighborhood like way more deserted in the day then night. There was no sign of any living person besides us. There were a couple lonesome walkers but that was about it. She motioned us to go out of the backyard. We reached a back alley, and there was a red van awaiting us. "Are you sure we should take this risk?" Carl asked. I nodded. "Trust me I know what I'm doing." She opened the front door. "Here." She tossed me the keys and I took them. Hopping into the drivers seat, I put the keys in the car and turned it. The engine roared to life and I smiled. Samara climbed into the passenger seat and a gun cocked. She looked at me quizzically. "Nothing personal just to make sure you don't do anything stupid." I responded as Carl had his gun pointed to her, from the backseat. Hunter held up her revolver and pointed at the woman as well. Samara scowled, yet didn't bother to say anything. I pulled out of the alley and Sped off onto the Highway.

        When we got to the prison we filed out of the car and we were greeted with embraces. "Where the hell did you go?" Daryl asked. I embraced him tightly. "Went after my brother and Hunter, got trapped in the herd." I responded. He was about to reply when A voice interrupted. "Who the hell is that?!?" Glenn exclaimed pointing at Samara. "Samara she's very skilled with knives, she can throw them and shcan use swords and guns. Trust me she'll earn her keep." I replied. Everyone scanned over her, examining her. "Mhm we'll see." Carl said, as we all walked back inside to the prison.

A/N~ Oh my gosh thanx so much for reading!!! :) It means alot and thanx for the votes! Lots of Love~ 

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