Chapter 25

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        “What’s the plan today?” I asked as my father walked in.“We need to get ammo and more supplies. People are getting close now.  There were a couple of people setting up in other parts of the neighborhood. We got to start doing watch again and Daryl and a couple of you need to go hunting again. With no more food being made anymore, food is becoming scarcer.” Rick told us, and started giving us orders of what we were doing. “Where am I on the list?” I questioned. “You’re not on it.” Rick replied. “I sure as hell will be.” I said, reaching for my bow and quiver on the kitchen floor. “Wynter you can sit this one out just stay here with the kids.” He replied. “No I’m going to contribute to the group! I’ll be fine; please I’ve been in the town before I know where everything is.” My father paused thinking it over for a moment. “Are you sure?” He asked finally, putting his gun in his holster. “Yes I am if it makes you feel any better Daryl can come with me. If it makes you feel better.” He sighed and nodded. Daryl nodded and grabbed his crossbow. “I’ll take James, Samara, Michonne, Carl and Hunter with me.” He stated grabbing a pair of car keys.

        The trees were completely bare and leaves swirled on the pavement as we drove past them. Hunter was shaking and she held the gun in her hand. “Hey it will be alright.” I reassured her she looked up at me and smiled weakly. “I know I shouldn’t feel bad for killing them but I do. They were people once before and sometimes I just feel like I’m murdering... Them.” She spoke quietly. “They’re dead there other… things not people. It’s okay to kill them, besides its self defense.” Samara replied and Hunter nodded putting her gun in her holster. “We’ll protect you if anything happens.” Carl told her and she smiled, kissing him on the cheek. She turned back to the window and her face lit up. “Look!” Curious I looked out the window and it was snowing! Was it winter already? Some days went fast and others went painfully slow. Come to think of it I don’t remember seeing snow for a WHILE. The snowflakes fell and landed on the pavement and leaves. It blew in the direction we were driving and the unique patterns were surprisingly visible on the windshield. Maybe there is still some beauty left in a destroyed world. Smiling we exited the vehicle when we arrived at our destination and the snow continued to fall. Hunter acted like a little six year old child as she stuck out her tongue and caught snowflakes. “Ah what the hell?” Carl and I did the same and I laughed, then got out my weapons. Michonne soon joined and I picked up the snow, unfortunately it was too soft to make into a snowball, they were only soft specks now. Samara grinned and walked over to James kissing him and surprisingly he didn’t push her back. Daryl just leaned against the car watching,  and I strolled over to him. I frowned, and blew opened my hand and blew some snowflakes on him. He turned away and I chuckled. “Let’s just go get some damn supplies and warmer clothes.” We all stopped and did what we came to do.

        Going into the store we started looking  for supplies. Hunter and I went over to the clothes and fortunately there were some coats and sweaters for the group. I picked up a black sweater that was warm inside when Daryl called me over. Picking up the sweater and putting it into my bag I walked over to him. He managed to find some cigarettes and he lit one in his mouth with a lighter. He put it in his mouth and put a leather jacket on me. There was a mirror and I glanced back to see it had angel wings on it! It was shorter than Daryl’s of course because mine was for women but I grinned. I smiled and embraced him as he held the cigarette in his opposite hand. “Thank you.” He nodded and put the cigarette on the ground before stepping on it lighting it out. He put the package in his jean pocket and we continued looking for supplies.  

        James screamed and exchanging glances we ran over to see him being eaten by a dozen walkers. "C'mon we got to move!" Daryl commanded. Samara had tears streaking down her face, and i pulled her out of the store and into the car. "He's gone James is gone." She wept and she cried into my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." I whispered she continued crying and I felt guilty for leaving him behind. As if Daryl read my thoughts he glanced in the mirror. "We couldn't have done anything about it. Sorry about your loss Samara." There was silence for a moment before the engine started and we were on our way, Leaving yet another soul behind...

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