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Michonne opened the door and Glenn stepped in first. “We need medical assistance!” He called out through the house. Carol and Maggie came and ordered us to lay samara on the couch. My father rushed down the steps and saw my hands covered with blood. “Is that yours?” He asked. “No it’s Samara’s we ran into a couple of people along the way. They weren’t looking to make friends. They shot her and yer daughter tried to help her.” Daryl explained. “I’m glad you kept her safe.” My father thanked Daryl and he nodded. “Course.” He replied as we walked up the steps. There were soft sobs coming from April’s room and the door was slightly ajar. “I’m going to go talk to her.” He didn’t respond and he walked away. Slowly I walked in the room. It was violet walls and pink decorations. It was about her age style. She sat on the white blankets on top of the bed. She had her head in her hands and she wept. I sat next to her and without even thinking she wrapped her arms around me. I returned the embrace and she cried in my chest. “Shh it’s okay.” I whispered comforting words in her ears, and she started to slowly calm down. “She’s gone my mother’s gone.” She wailed. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But she would be proud of you and you got to be strong.” She looked at me with puffy eyes. “How can she be proud of me I said mean things to her.” I shook my head. “You can’t think of those things.” She nodded and continued to cry. Lucas came into the room but he was emotionless. It reminded me of when my mother died and Carl was emotionless and turned cold. He shook his head and came over to his sister. He wrapped his arms around her. “Go she’ll be okay. Mom said I had to protect her and take care of her.” Reluctantly I left, AFTER she fell asleep. “If you need anything Glenn, Maggie or I will be down the hall.” I whispered before walking down the room.

                I have seen many sad things in the past two years but by far seen 2 children grieve over the death of their mother is one of the most painful things I have seen before. Sighing I laid down on the bed and tried to get as much sleep as I could. I knew it would be hard considering Daryl was out hunting and Lucas and April were sad. I was worried out of my mind.

        Groaning I continued to get beaten by the unknown man, in front of me. “This is what you get I suggest you give us your supplies!” The man told me, as his crew continued to throw blows to my face. I sputtered and drops of blood landed on the pavement. I shouldn’t have gone on a run by myself. “Stop.” I called out hoarsely. I continued to try to fight back but I felt weak. My fist collided with one of the crew’s mouth but in return I got a punch to the eye. “I won’t ever give you the medicine. I’m not letting a girl die because of you assholes.” I said weakly. “Wrong answer.” Again they continued to beat the living hell out of me.



        When I awoke there was still no sign of Daryl. Must be hunting a distance away. Worry washed over me but I tried my best to ignore it. Strolling down the wooden steps I was greeted by Hunter and Carl. “Hey.” I smiled and hugged them both. Carl rolled his eyes and I put one hand on my waist. “You can’t honestly be too old for hugs.” He shrugged and it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Whatever I’m thinking of going on a run. Don’t tell dad.” I started walking away when Carl caught up to me. “Hey you can’t just leave!” I spun around. “Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do?” I asked him. “Dad said that we shouldn’t go on runs alone.” I nodded. “Yeah but April has her asthma and she’s running low on the inhalers. I need to get them Carl. You know how dad is he won’t let me go!” Carl sighed. “You know I’m going to have to tell him.” He responded. “Okay fine I’ll be out the door by the time you tell him.” Before he could respond I shut the door. I knew I couldn’t tell my dad he would worry and hopefully I get there before Daryl, or else I’m going to come back to two very pissed off people. 

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