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   I struggled to get out of his grip but to no avail. I couldn't reach my knife that was in my holster. Mumbling a curse i balled my hand into a fist. With a swift move I bashed his face with my fist. He stumbled back and I unsheathed my knife only to have him tackle me to the ground. "You Bitch!" He shouted,as he slapped me. I groaned in pain and he grabbed my upper arm and pulled me up. "I'm going to kill you now."He whispered in my ear as I returned into his death grip once more. "Daryl!" I hollered. In a mere moment Daryl had his crossbow raised at the man. "Let her go!" The man chuckled and loosened his grip giving me enough time to turn around and stab him in the chest with my knife. He cried out in pain and I stood up. i huffed. A wave of guilt swept over me but now was not the time to breakdown. "Lets go." I muttered grabbing the supplies and walked out of the door. Silence took over us and we hopped into the vehicle.

        "Why did you ask for help if you didn't need it?" Daryl asked breaking the silence in the vehicle. "Because i trusted if i couldn't't handle it you would be there to help me if i needed it." I said blankly. Shuddering at the thought I had killed someone. "Ya did the right thing." Daryl stated his eyes fully focused on the road. I shook my head. "I killed a man." I said. "Yeah and he would've killed you if you didn't." He responded. I didn't reply. I couldn't admit that in fact it was right that i had killed someone. Now adays you can't feel sorry for killing people. You have to kill in order to survive. Sighing I closed my eyes hopeful to get at least some rest.

        When we got back to the farm, I placed the necessities down in the kitchen of the Green'es house. Daryl walked out of the houe and i followed in tow. We walked over to a blue truck that Andrea, T, Shane and Rick stood around. They were pointing at a map that rested on the hood of the truck, and were figuring out where they would be searching for Sophia. "Hey can i search?" I questioned, cocking my pistol. My father frowned and waded on the thought for a moment. "I'm not sure-" He was cut off by Daryl. "Hell no. Rick it's dangerous out there you know that. Your son got shot looking at a damn deer. Who the hell know's what will happen to your daughter?" I scoffed and folded my arms against my chest. "Are you serious? Why does Andrea get to go. I'm going with or without your consent and I sure as hell don't need Daryl's input on it either!" I spat getting up in my father's and Daryl's face. "To hell we can't! We can make you do what ever the hell we want you too." Daryl barked towering over me. "Wynter Daryl stop." My father pushed us back. "Maybe Daryl is right but both of you need to take it down a level. Wynter you can go but you need to come with me And Shane got it?" I sighed but nodded. "I'd like to help." Jimmy, Beth's boyfriend jogged up to the truck. "Did Hershel say it was okay?" my father questioned, turning his attention to Jimmy. He nodded his head rapidly. "Uh yep he said I should ask you." He paused. "Sure thanks we could use all the help we can get." Jimmy grinned and reached for the rifle, when my father snatched it. "Woah do you even know how to fire one?" He shook his head. "No but if I'm going out I want one." He replied. Daryl snickered slinging his crossbow onto his shoulder. "Yeah and people in Hell want slurpees." He said before walking to the barn saying he was borrowing a horse. I giggled and shook my head.

        It was mostly silent other than the excruciating conversation about the girls Shane did in Highschool.  "We shouldn't be talking about this stuff.All the people in our stories are dead. We're like old folk man." Shane broke the silence as we walked through the bush. "But shouldn't we remember them?" My father said. silence took over the two but there was definitely tension in the air. "How long do you think until we'll ifnd that little girl?" My father question trying to change the subject. "Depends what you want." Shane respoded. "Honesty." My father replied. "Rick I honestly think we won't find her." I gasped. "Hell why are we still out looking for this little girl?" Shane questioned. "She looked me in the eyes Shane and I said i would protect her. We're finding her." Shane scoffed. "Rick, I don't think we will find her alive. In fact since this is a waste of time i think we should call off the search." I stood there dumbfounded and utterly speachless. "I thought you wanted honesty." Shane said before walking away. "We went into T-dog and Andrea's grid." I sighed and we started walking back to the farm. How many dead ends will we run into? Why can't we just locate that little girl already? 

  "Hey!" Glenn tore me out of my thoughts as he raced up to me, a smile plastered on his face. "Hey to you too why are you so happy?" I asked as we walked around in the field together. "Well me and Maggie went on a run and well we uh... had..." He was blushing like crazy and i caught on. "Ewe Glenn why would you tell me that sick bastard!" I said punching him in the arm. We continued chatting whilst walking toward the treeline. We stopped talking as we heard rustling in the trees. I unsheathed my knife and edged closer to it. In the distance i could hear the faint shouts of Andrea's voice alarming the group of a walker. The figure emerged and it was bloodied around the face and side, it staggered out of the trees and I squinted my eyes to try to get a better glance. Rick,Shane and T-Dog had made their way towards us and they all raised their guns behind my father. He held his revolver. Wait was the figure who we assumed was a walker Daryl?! "It's about damn time ya' pointed that thing at my face! Yer' going to pull the trigger?" My father lowered his gun. An ear deafening gun shot rang through my ears and Daryl fell to the ground. "NO!!!" We all shouted in unison towards Andrea who was quite content that she actually 'Protected' the group. She looked at us quizzically and I could hear shouts. "I was kidding." Daryl grumbled before closing his eyes! My blood boiled. I had the urge to kill the Fucking Bitch. She better hope he isn't dead

        "Is he dead!?!?" I asked freaking out while extremely pissed off. "Rick is he okay?!" I said raising my voice. "Yes He's fine just unconscious."My father told us. "What the hell he's wearing walker ears around his neck why is he?!" Glenn pointed and my father ripped it off, while he and Shane continued to drag him. "Lets keep that to ourselves." He muttered before a very panicked group rushed to us. "What is going on  here?!"Hershel yelled clearly not impressed with all the commotion. "The dumb ass shot Daryl!" I hissed throwing daggers at Andrea. She felt guilty i knew, but I still couldn't't't let it slide that easily. She looked at me with sympathy and I huffed following, Shane, my father, and Hershel into the house where they would stitch him up. 

        Rick, Shane and i were all in the room, as Hershel stitched up Daryl. "Where is my horse?" Hershel asked while washing his hands in a basin. "You mean that almost killed me? if 'it's smart it left the country." He winced as Hershel began working again. "We call that horse as in Nervous Nellie, i could have told you if you'd asked." Daryl grumbled and that sent the room into silence. Eventually all of them left to proceed with their jobs, and it was just Daryl and I. Well pretty much just me since Daryl was asleep. Might I add he looked attractive sleeping and snoring peacefully. Damn it what the hell Wynter get a grip! Sighing I grabbed a book and started reading in the chair beside the bed. I made a self promise that I wouldn't't't leave until Daryl waked up. No matter how long it took. Slowly i felt myself to drift off so i grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me then tried not to fall asleep. 

           After at least four hours, Daryl stirred in his sleep and awoke abruptly. "Whoa easy there." I said, he sat up and winced. " Are you alright?" He questioned. "Yeah why wouldn't i be?" He opened his mouth but shook his head. "Never mind." He had a sudden sliver of panic in his eyes, and tried to pull up the blankets. "Here allow me." He pushed my hands away and covered himself up but not before I saw horizontal scars on his back. I gasped and he glared. "What!?" He snapped. Deciding not to respond I opened the door, "Um nothing glad to see your awake I'm going to get something to eat." I rushed out of the room closing the door behind me. I made my way into the kitchen

        The kitchen was very clean and very organized, but almost EVERYTHING was white. White fridge, White walls, cabinets. The only things that wasn't white was the marble counter top, and the wooden dining table with wooden chairs to match. I was in the middle of dishing myself a plate for me and Daryl when Glenn startled me. "Damn it Glenn! don't scare me!" I yelled. I held my hand to my heart dramatically and he chuckled. "Well I'm just going to-" I collapsed on the floor, taking a couple glass dishes with me. "Wynter!" Glenn and my father shouted. Glass shattered all around me and even some shards managed to get stuck in my skin. I struggled to get up and i collapsed again and darkness overcame me.


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