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I looked around my old room one last time and smiled to myself. So many good and bad memories had occurred here, but I was grateful for each of them. It made me a bit sad to know that we were moving again, but I was hoping that this would be the last time we moved for a while. I stepped out and closed the door behind me, heading down the stairs.

"Come on, Xavier!" I heard my dad yell from outside of the house.

I quickly ran through the house and made it to the front, seeing my dad stand there with the house key in his hand. He ushered me out the door and I made my way toward the family car.

"Dad and I will drive the trucks to the new house. You'll go with mom and Andy in the family car, ok?" I heard my brother, Jace, say as he walked up to me while he waited for our dad to lock up the house.

I nodded and turned when I heard footsteps behind me. "Alright, we're good to go."

Jace and I nodded. I headed to the car and got in the back since my younger sister, Andy, was sitting up front.

"You ready?" My mom asked as she looked back at me, which I answered with a single nod. She started up the car and pulled out of the driveway, knowing that my dad and brother were following close behind.

I looked out the window and watched the suburban homes pass by quickly. We soon passed my old school and I knew that I wouldn't miss it. That was only one of the few reasons why I was happy to move to a new town.

I didn't really have friends there, besides one guy. But the guy moved away towards the end of sophomore year of high school and we sadly lost contact. He was my only friend until I started talking to Tyler and Gina after a few months he left.

I didn't really consider them friends unless friends are supposed to talk behind your back and spread rumors about you, then I guess I did have two. They would constantly make up lies so that people wouldn't go near me or would even bully me, but I always fought back.

You'd really think that I'd let someone push me down and not defend myself? Yeah, right. I would never let someone go without at least a punch to their face.

A few days ago when my parents told us that we were moving, I wasn't excited at all. Jace and Andy had run to their rooms and immediately started packing while I went to my room and decided to let my so-called "friends" know about my moving...

I called my friend, Tyler, and heard his phone ring a few times before he picked up.

"Oh...hey, Xavier. What did you call me for?"

I rolled my eyes at that. "Hi, Tyler. I just wanted to let you know that I'm moving in a few days."

There was silence, then I heard slight movement come from the other side of the phone and low whispers. I had a feeling that Gina was over his house. They were closer to each other than I was to either of them, but I didn't really care.

"Yes..." I heard Gina's voice and scoffed to myself.

They really couldn't have muted me so that I wouldn't hear them celebrate my moving?

"Are you moving schools, too?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, but I want to get something straight. You and Gina really thought that I didn't know about you guys spreading rumors and talking behind my back? Are you guys that fucking stupid to think that I wouldn't find out? I knew this whole time that you both were the ones to lie to other people about me." I chuckled dryly and smirked to myself.
"Come on, Tyler, let me hear your lame excuse of you trying to defend yourself that you weren't talking behind my back..." I waited a few moments and laughed, hanging up the phone because I knew that he wasn't expecting that.

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