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Jace came back with Alvaro and he sighed, hugging me tightly. "I'm so sorry, Xavier. I didn't know that they did this kind of stuff."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "It's ok, Ali. No one knew that they were going to do this."

He nodded and kissed my lips. "Ameer and Gio are going to be here soon. We'll take care of them personally especially, after hearing what they were going to do to you. Manuel, Marco, and Eddie wanted to be here too, but they had to fly back to New York to check on some things."

I nodded and looked up at him. "Where are the guys?"

"I dropped them off at the house after telling them that you were ok and safe."

I nodded and he turned to the four men. His dark blue eyes went darker and he growled lowly.

"I'm so stupid to have hired all of you without checking your backgrounds." They all looked up at him with wide eyes, sensing that something shifted within Alvaro.

"I swear I'll kill all of you if Ameer and Gio don't, but I'm sure that they won't leave you alive after hearing what you did to Xavier and what you were going to do. You have no idea how bad you messed up." Alvaro glared darkly and I shivered, smiling pridefully to myself.

"Gio for sure won't leave them alive, Ali. He'll probably be the first to kill one of them. Ameer will just take his time and torture them slowly." He nodded and turned away, pulling me with him.

Alvaro sighed and let out a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry, Xavier. I feel like I should've known."

"Alvaro, it's ok. You had no idea that they would do something like this. Stop beating yourself over something that you didn't know was going to happen." He nodded and picked me up, tucking his head into my neck.

I kissed his shoulder and we stayed like that for a few minutes before Alvaro started walking back to Jace and Briar. He stopped and I lifted my head.

"I know this is the weirdest time to introduce you to each other, and I know that you have a lot of questions about what's going to happen and why I'm saying that Ameer and Gio will kill them, but they will soon all be answered, Briar." He nodded and looked at Alvaro when he kissed my neck.

"I thought you only had eight lovers? Is this a secret one?" Alvaro and I both chuckled before shaking our heads.

"No, he's one of my best friends." Alvaro nodded and kissed my lips.

"But he kissed you on the lips?" I nodded and turned my head, giving Alvaro another kiss.

"Yeah, what's wrong with a friendly kiss?"

"Normal friends don't do that." He said with a serious face. Jace chuckled at that.

"Briar, if you haven't noticed, he's not normal." He nodded and shook his head.

"I know, I'm just so confused with everything?" I smiled and patted his head.

"You'll understand soon." He blushed and turned away.

"Oh-Alvaro, meet Briar, he's one of Jace's friends, and probably his only one, and now he's one of my friends. Briar, this is Alvaro."

"Hey..." Jace chuckled and I smiled.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry we had to meet like...this." Alvaro shook Briar's hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you, too." Briar smiled.

We heard two cars pull up and doors slamming close.

"No, I don't care, Ameer. I'm going to fucking kill them, now!" I heard Gio's distant voice.

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