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I was making breakfast for us while the guys got ready for school.

I had woken up earlier than them and got ready, making breakfast earlier than usual so I would have time to go talk to Alvaro or Felix.

"Food's ready!" I yelled and walked back in the kitchen, serving myself. I made waffles, eggs, and bacon, also made a fruit smoothie which was so good.

I heard several pairs of footsteps running down the stairs and bursting in the kitchen. "Good morning, guys."

"Good morning, Xavier." I turned around and got attacked with different pairs of lips to my face from Dom, Benji, and the twins.

Leo and Julien smiled brightly at me and hugged me.

"You guys are so energetic today, usually you aren't. Why is that?" Julien shrugged and hugged me tighter.

"I don't know, maybe cause it's your first day of school?!" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Yay." They chuckled at my sarcastic tone as they grabbed plates and gathered food onto them.

I put down my plate and grabbed the blender, turning to them and holding it up. "Want some?"

"Yes, even if I don't know what that is." Leo said, making the others agree.

"Fruit smoothie. It's good, I promise?" They nodded and I poured some in all of their cups and my own while they sat down and waited for me to join them.

"Good morning, everybody!" The guys all jumped while I sighed and looked up.

"Milo, what are you doing here?" He smiled brightly and moved behind me where I had set the blender down.

"Wanted to see you, of course." He whispered in my ear and I cringed.

"Yeah, yeah. Want food?" He nodded. I grabbed a plate and cup, handing it to him and telling him where the food was.

"Thanks." I nodded and sat down between Benji and Kian.

"Who wants to come with me and-"

"Me!" I heard them say before I even finished. Milo too.

"We can't, our teachers will get mad if we're even a second late." Leo said, making Julien agree.

"That's good that you don't want to miss class." They shook their heads rapidly.

"No, we really don't. She'll make you say all the elements to the periodic table and their symbols in front of the class, if you're late or you miss class unless you have a doctors or teachers pass." I froze, my fork halfway in my mouth.

"Oh." I coughed and drank some of my smoothie.

"Yeah." It got silent and Milo bursted out laughing.

"This smoothie i-is so good." I looked at him weirdly.


Once we finished eating, we got all of our things ready.

"Everybody, ready?" They all nodded and slid their backpacks on.

"Alright, let's go." I pushed them out the door and made sure the door locked itself. I saw other students walking out their rooms and into the elevator.

"Are you kidding me? That's gonna take too, long."

"That's why I came." I turned around and saw Felix standing with keys in his hands.

"Felix." I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and chuckled.

"Hey, Xavier. Hello." He nodded to the group behind me.

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