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"You guys ready for playtime?" My puppies whimpered in excitement while Kai and Quincy blushed.

"Turn the volume up.....high." I said and got up, carrying Quincy. My puppies and kitty followed me up the stairs.

I led them to my room and closed the door, locking it. My puppies immediately got in their positions while Kai slowly kneeled.

I placed Quincy on the bed and kissed his cheek.

"Kai, get your collar out." I heard the zipper of his backpack, then ruffling.

"Here, Master." I turned around and grabbed the black, suede bag and pulled on the strings. I took out his dark green collar and unclipped it.

"Come closer, Kitty." He crawled to my feet and looked up at me with a blush.

"Are you sure you want this, Kai?" He nodded.

"I'm sure, Xavier, I promise." I smiled and kissed his head. I wrapped the collar around his neck and clipped it together.

"Do you want it tighter, Kitty?" He nodded and I adjusted it to be a little tighter.

I stuck my finger in and felt that it was perfect. The collar was hugging his neck, right in the middle just like my puppies'.

"You can only take your collar off to shower and sleep, ok?" He smiled at me and nodded.

"Thank you for claiming me, Master." I smirked and pulled him up.

"Thank you for letting me claim you, Kitty." He blushed and I leaned forward to kiss him.

"Strip." I told my puppies and heard them start undressing.

I leaned back in and kissed Kai, wrapping my arms around his waist and setting them on his hips. I squeezed him and heard him moan. I pulled away and looked at my puppies who were staring, their cocks slowly rising.

"Come here." They both walked to me and I grabbed their cocks, firmly stroking them both at the same time.

They groaned and Levi closed his eyes, letting his head fall back as Enzo panted and looked at me.

"Let's move to the bed." I pulled my shirt and pants off, throwing them aside.

"Baby, you ok?" I asked. Quincy's eyes were dilated and his cheeks were a soft pink.

"Mhmm." He licked his lips and I leaned forward, kissing them.

I placed my hand under his jaw and tilted it up as I went on my knees on the bed.

"So cute, baby." I moved my hands to his waist and lowered my hands slowly, stopping right above his ass and turning to Kai, hearing Quincy whine.

"Kitty, want me to help you undress?" He blushed and nodded so I moved closer to him.

I pulled up his hoodie and moved his pants down, off him. He shivered as his warm body met the cold air.

I leaned forward and kissed up his chest and stopped at his lips. I could hear my puppies pant and knew they were fully hard now. I tugged off Kai's last piece of clothing, his briefs, slowly pulling them down.

"Beautiful, Kitty." I pinched his nipples lightly and he mewled, throwing his head back.

I let go and turned back to Quincy who was blushing brightly.

"Baby, do you want to join?" His ears turned red, but he nodded.

I moved over to him and took his jacket off him, seeing his pale chest for the first time. His nipples were a light pink.

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