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After talking for a bit more, we went back down to the first level where I met Rainer again.

"Hey, Xavier." He softly smiled at me, but bowed when the leaders stood behind me.

"Rainer, I'm so happy to see you." I pulled him into a hug and he stilled again.

Most of the men froze when I hugged them. Usually they're on guard and don't expect a hug from someone, but it's alright. It's funny to see their reactions.

"You missed me, right?" I asked and looked up at him. He nodded and pulled me into a hug again.

I rubbed his back and nosed his shoulder, giving it a soft kiss. I heard one of the leaders growl and got pulled away into a hard chest.

"Xavier." I heard Gio growl above me and I looked up. His jaw was clenched and he was glaring at Rainer who was shaking while looking down.

"Gio, stop glaring." I pushed him away and went back to Rainer, giving him another quick hug and a kiss on his cheek. He froze and I laughed when I saw his face.

"See you around, Rainer." He shook his head and waved as a blush formed on his cheek. I chuckled and turned back around, following the leaders.

We were going back to California and The Five were coming along.

Apparently they wanted to go wherever I went, but also do work at their own warehouses as well.

"Xavier, you're coming with us right?" I looked up at Manuel and smiled.

"Dom, are you guys going to be ok?" He tiredly smiled and nodded. I gave him a hug and a kiss on his neck, doing the same with the other three and just waving at Leo and Julien.

"I'll see you guys when we get there, ok? Alvaro and Felix are going with you." They nodded and waved as we split into two different cars.

As soon as I sat down, and the door had been closed, I was pulled into a hard chest.

"Xavier, I missed you so much." Marco kissed my neck and I chuckled. He's always been the needy and greedy one. He would get slightly jealous too.

"Hey, it's my turn." Gio pulled me into his lap and hugged me tightly.

Fortunately, there was a wall dividing the driver from the passengers.

"Xavier, we missed you so much. We thought we would never see you again. Everyone seemed more sad, but now that we have you around, it's all going to get better." I laughed and nodded, leaning forward and kissing the corner of his lips and moving back down to his chest. He froze against me.

Why? Because that's the closest I've gotten to actually kissing him, any of them really.

He rubbed my back and I relaxed in his hold, but I was pulled away when I was closing my eyes. I grumbled and looked up at Manuel who had an apologetic smile on his face.

"Sorry, Xavier. You looked so cute and I wanted to hold you." I nodded and leaned into his chest, tucking my face in his neck and kissing him softly.

I closed my eyes and yawned, getting comfortable on Manuel's lap.

"Sleep, Xavier. We'll wake you when we arrive at the airport." I nodded, slowly relaxing as I drowned in his warmth.

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