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Two months later, April
??? POV:

"Yes, Boss. They're coming out of the house right now." I put my phone down as soon as they opened the door.

"Hey, guys." We both smiled at Kai and Quincy who got in the back.

"Hey." They both greeted us with big smiles.

"You guys ready for the party?" They nodded and I faced forward, pulling away from Xavier's house.

I smirked and started the drive to the warehouse, knowing that everyone was going to be prepared for our arrival.


"How far is this party?" I heard Quincy's voice and looked at him through the rear-view mirror.

We had been driving for about an hour and a half and they were barely saying something about how long it was taking.

"We'll be there right about...now." I pulled up to the front gate and entered the code.

I drove up the driveway and stopped once I got to the front. I parked and opened the door, throwing the keys to one of the men.

"I thought it was going to be a small party?" Kai asked as him and Quincy moved to my left side.

"It is." I smirked and walked in once the guards opened the door.

Everyone was training and working, some cleaning weapons or reloading them.

"Uh, this isn't a party..." Kai said and scrunched his eyebrows together.

"It will be soon." Boss walked out as Kai and Quincy were grabbed.

"Wha-Ty, Vince, what's happening?" Kai and Quincy fought to get out of their holds, but they were too weak to even loosen up their hands.

Vince and I looked down out of respect for Boss. He stepped in front of them and hummed.

"Hmm...no wonder Xavier went after you guys."

"You know Xavier?" Quincy asked.

"No, but I know everything about him to who he is and to his many lovers." He smirked and Kai scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Who are you?"

Boss chuckled darkly and moved his hands behind his back. "My name is Mauricio."


Xavier's POV: next day

"He still hasn't made a move and everyone is getting restless, Ameer." Manuel said.

"I know, I just feel like something is going to happen soon." Ameer sighed and I kissed his cheek.

"It's ok, Amy. You're just worried that something will ha-"

My phone rang and I sighed, picking it out from my pocket. "Jace?"

"Are Kai and Quincy with you?!" I frowned and sat up on Ameer's lap, pressing the speaker button.

"No, why? Is something wrong?"

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