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After we washed up, we got out and dried off. They ended up choosing a different outfit for me and dressing me up themselves.

I was more than happy to let them dress me, but they kept teasing me and touching me, which left me in a blushing mess as Gio carried me down the stairs and into the living room. He sat down with me on his lap and Ameer sat beside us.

"Will you explain to us what happened in the restroom with Noah?" Benji asked from across us.

My lovers were sitting on one couch, some of them on the floor. My friends sat to the left of us except for Antonio who was leaning against the couch as he stood. Jace and Briar were standing next to the couch my lovers were on.

"Well, after I told you and Milo to wait for me, I went in and he told me about how he felt with what I did to Jordy." I saw Levi nervously swallow and I smiled sadly.

I continued the story and stopped on the part where Jace and Briar came in. My friends were asking for me to continue, but my lovers looked pale.

"I don't know, it's really...gory, if I'm being honest. I mean, you guys saw my clothes. I was pretty much covered from head to toe in blood."

"So you killed them?" Alejandro asked.

I looked down and nodded, feeling Gio's chest vibrate against my back. "How couldn't we? They had all done something to other kids before. I was happy that Xavier took part in it, because if he hadn't, I sure would've killed each of them myself."

They all stayed quiet and sighed.

"This has been a crazy two days staying here, but I think we're gonna head back to the dorms. We need a break from you, Xavier, no offense." Charlie said and I chuckled.

"It's fine. I know that it's even too much for them." I pointed at my lovers, who all sheepishly nodded.

The doorbell rang and I got up, opening the door to be crushed by Manuel, Marco, Eddie, Felix, and Ollie.

"You killed them? right?"
"I'm sure Gio killed them all."
"I missed seeing Xavier kill them!"

I chuckled and they pulled back. They kissed my face and I giggled, feeling my cheeks burn up.

"Xavier, are you ok?" Felix held my face and I nodded.

"Yeah. I'm in a better mood now that all of you guys are here together." They all smiled and Manuel picked me up.

"Where's Ameer and Gio?" I directed Manuel to the living room while the others followed behind.

My friends froze once they saw that the rest of the leaders were here. Briar just looked up at them with wide eyes and an open mouth.

"I want to know everything that's happening right now." Briar whispered and I looked at Ameer, who shrugged.

"If you want, Xavier, you can. But if he runs off and tells someone, you know what we'll have to do." I nodded and asked Manuel to put me down.

"Let's go somewhere else, yeah?" Briar nodded, still in shock, and let me pull him out to the backyard.

I led us to the sitting area, which was by the pool, and sat down. Briar sat across from me and I leaned back.

"Who are all those people? What did that one guy mean? Why didn't we call the cops when we found you? Why did you guys kill them?" Briar said all at once and I chuckled.

"Briar, before I tell you all of this, I want you to promise me that you will never tell anybody about this, ok? Nobody at all. Not even your family and not even the person you trust the most. This can't go out because if you tell someone, it won't end well for you." He paled and nodded.

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