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I woke up to knocking downstairs from the front door. Enzo grunted and I quickly got out of bed, running downstairs.

"What do you want? Do you know what time it is?"

"It's nine, thirty-eight." Alvaro said.

"Oh....why are you guys here?"

"We are here to take your boyfriends back to their homes." Alvaro smiled and I grunted.

"No, why not later?" Felix looked up from his phone.

"Ameer wants to talk to you." I nodded and pouted.

"Fine, I'll wake them up. You guys can come in." They nodded as I went back upstairs in my room.

"Who was that?" Levi rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"Alvaro and Felix are here to take you back home." He pouted and laid back down.

"But I don't want to leave." He kissed Kai's neck, causing him to shiver.

"I know, Puppy, but it's Sunday and you have school tomorrow." Enzo groaned and sat up.

"Can't we just stay here?" Kai asked quietly and hugged Quincy.

"I wish, but you guys need to start packing." Levi grunted and flopped onto the ground with Kai.

"Ow, Levi! You're so heavy." Kai tried pushing him off.

"But I bet you'll like feeling me on top when I fuck you." Kai turned red and whimpered as he scrambled away from Levi to my feet. I laughed and patted his head.

"It's ok, Kai." He looked up at me and hugged my legs.

"So mean." He huffed and I leaned down, kissing his hair.

"Come on, I'll help you guys pack." I pulled Kai up and grabbed the suitcases that had came with the boxes of clothes.

We packed all their clothes and zipped them up. I grabbed our towels and walked to the restroom with them following. I locked the door after they filed in and turned the water on. I waited a couple minutes and walked in with Kai and the rest following.

"Master, can you wash me?" He looked at me with a pleading look.

"Of course, Kitty." I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. I grabbed some coconut scented shampoo, and washed his hair along with my own.

"Xavier, can you help me?" I turned to Enzo and saw him struggling with Quincy.

"I'll be back." Kai nodded as he rinsed his hair out.

"Fuck, Quincy. Hold on." Enzo moaned while Quincy kissed his neck.

"Oh, what's going on here?" I smirked and Quincy froze, looking to me.

"N-Nothing." I moved forward and pushed Enzo against the wall with Quincy in his arms.

"You sure?" He blushed and moved his hands which were covering his cock. I grabbed him and flipped him so his back was to Enzo's chest.

"Puppy, hold his legs open." Enzo moved his arms under Quincy's legs and spread them apart. I moved my hand forward and grabbed his small cock in my hand.

"Xavier-mhm-p-please." He closed his eyes and tilted his head back.

"I don't know what you're begging for, baby. Tell me what you want." He blushed and squeezed his eyes shut, reopening them to look at me.

"Please make me cum, Daddy." I smirked and leaned forward to kiss him. I stroked his cock and he squirmed in Enzo's hold.

"So small, baby." He whined and I reached down, massaging his balls.

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