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We had arrived at Ameer's warehouse a few hours ago.

I told everyone that they would train with a handful of Ameer's men, so that they could learn more in combat and fighting. We wouldn't start with armory until a few more days, once we got used to training with Ameer's men.

After they had trained for hours, breaks were included in between, we moved onto working out to make sure everybody was kept fit and healthy.

I was working out with Charlie and Walter since Antonio and Alejandro were doing an intense workout to keep their arms all big and beefy. Not forgetting about the rest of their body, of course.

So far, I worked on my arms and I was really feeling it hit me.

"My arms are gonna fall off. I feel like my elbows will bend backwards if I put pressure on them." I said to Charlie who laughed and Walter kept quiet with a small smile.

"Didn't you say you haven't worked out in a while?" Charlie asked and I nodded.

"Almost two years." I started the treadmill and set it up. Jogging for two miles would be good for me.

I finished in fifteen minutes and I was drenched in sweat. I pulled my shirt off and cringed when I heard the squelch sound as it landed on the floor. 

I went to the big, side room and found my puppies cuddling on the couch.

"Hey, pups." They turned and immediately smiled as I stopped in front of them.

"Master, you look so sexy dripping with sweat." Enzo said as he licked his lips. Both of their eyes roamed my exposed, sweaty chest.

"I would've expected it to be disgusting since it is sweat. I probably smell bad, too." I went to get paper towels but felt hands grab me.

"No, Master. We want a taste first." Levi said and moved in front of me. He moved closer and leaned down, licking my left collarbone.

I hummed and dug my fingers in his hair. I looked down at him and he looked up, blushing as he moaned and looked behind me.

"He tastes really good, Enzo." He whispered to Enzo who was behind me, then felt a tongue land on my nape.

"Master," Enzo whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver, "you're really tasty."

They both started licking my shoulders, chest and neck. I hummed and smiled. "Are you guys gonna lick me every time I sweat?"

"No...maybe......yeah." They blushed and I smirked.

"Don't think that I didn't find out about earlier. You growled at one of my best friends, puppies." They pulled back and whined.

"We didn't know, though." I shrugged and pulled on their collars.

"So? You guys have to be nice to everybody you meet. It's not nice when you growl and glare at someone when they've done nothing wrong to you." I explained.

Levi rolled his eyes and moved away, Enzo following him. "Well, too late. We can't change what we said, Master."

I raised my brow and crossed my arms, glaring at him. He whined and immediately went on his knees, holding onto my leg. "I-I'm sorry, Mast-"

"Too late. You can't change what you said, right?" I glared and pulled my leg out of his hold, walking out as I heard him whimper and call out for me.

They're both definitely getting a punishment. I'm honestly shocked since Levi hadn't had one of his bad boy scenes in a while. Enzo too, he'll rarely follow Levi's bad behavior, but this time, he did.

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