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"Surprise?" Milo said, guiltily.

"Milo, why are you here?" He stood up and leaned on the counter.

"I haven't seen my love in days. I'm thirsty to see your beautiful body." I cringed and rolled my eyes.

"Milo, please leave. Today is not the day and I'm really tired." He nodded and walked up to me.

"Can I have a hug at least?" I chuckled and hugged him, pinching his skin and biting his neck.

"Xavier." He groaned in my ear.

"Ok, let's go." I chuckled and pulled him to the door.

"I'll see you around, Xavier." He smirked and I squeezed the spot I bit him. He moaned and fell to his knees.

"Goodnight, Milo." I closed the door and walked upstairs.

"Who were you talking to?" Dom asked as Benji laid next to him in bed.

"Milo. Somehow, he snuck in and I found him in the kitchen. I kicked him out, though." Their eyes widened and I laughed.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to you guys. He just likes watching like a creep." They laughed and I walked to the dresser.

I pulled out two pairs of sweats and two long sleeve shirts.

"Benji, you want me to change you?" He nodded and moved to the edge of the bed.

I pulled his shirt off and put the long sleeve over his head, helping him put his arms through the sleeves.

"Stand up." He did as I said and I tugged his pants down. He stepped out of them and I grabbed the sweats, pulling them up and onto his hips. I leaned up and kissed him and his cheek.

"Dom, you want me to change you, too?" He blushed, and nodded. He made his way over and I did the same as Benji.

Taking his shirt off and pulling the new one on, taking his pants off and tugging the sweats up.

"Thank you, Xavier." He kissed my cheek and I nodded, kissing his neck.

"I'll be back." I walked into the restroom, doing my night routine, then walked into my room to take out some pajamas.

I walked out and closed my door and walked to Ramy's room to check on them.

I opened the door quietly and peaked in, seeing Ramy and Kian watching a movie on the laptop.

"Hey, guys." They turned to me and smiled, brightly.

"Can I come in?"

"Of course, Xavier." Kian replied and I nodded.

I walked to the bed and leaned down, kissing Ramy and Kian on the lips. I gave them one last kiss on the top of their heads and pulled away.

"Goodnight. on't sleep too late, ok?" They blushed and nodded. Ramy pulled Kian closer to his side and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, Xavier. Goodnight." I gave them a smile and walked out the door, closing it quietly.

I walked over to Julien's room and opened it, peaking inside and seeing Julien and Leo already asleep. I smiled to myself and closed the door and finally walked back into Benji's room.

"Sorry, I was checking on the others." They nodded and I changed in front of them.

I felt their eyes on me, but ignored it and changed quickly because it was cold. I turned off the main light and got in bed between the boys. Benji was on my right and Dom on my left.

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