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"Here are the slips, the room numbers are on the back. Thank you, enjoy your day." The lady said and took the money as she split it with the security.

"Thanks, Gio." I jumped up and kissed his cheek as I walked away.

"What class are we heading to?" Alvaro sidled up next to me.

"They're all in fifth period period so all of them are together, but we'll have to pick up Kai, too." He nodded and they all followed.

"What room?" He asked and looked at the slips in my hand.

"Room two-o-seven," I stopped in front of the door and looked up, 'Chemistry.'

I walked in without knocking, since I don't even go to this school and don't care, and interrupted the class.

"Excuse me, but you are inter-Xavier?" Mr. Michaels looked up at me and I felt all the students' attention shift to me.

"What are you doing here? You aren't supposed to be here on campus, I'm calling sec-" I cut him off as I chuckled.

"Here are the slips. You won't need to call security, they already know." Gio chuckled behind me and the class gasped once they noticed The Five standing behind me.

I walked to the back where my puppies and friends were.

"Hey, guys." They were staring at me in shock. I could feel everyone else's eyes on me.

"Xavier, w-what are you doing here?" Levi asked and I chuckled.

"I'm here to pick you guys up. Well, only you two." I turned to Mason and Hayley, who were still staring.

"Sorry, guys. I'll tell you some day why." They both nodded and smiled at me.

"I missed you, Xavier." Hayley stood up and hugged me, Mason doing the same. I returned the hug, then pulled away.

"I'm sorry I haven't called you both. I promise, I'll try to do better on that." They both nodded and sat back down.

"Are you guys coming or?" I turned to Levi and Enzo.

"Where are we going?" Enzo asked while they started packing their stuff.

"Xavier, can you hurry? The private jet is going to land soon and we still need to pick up Zackai and head to the airport." Alvaro said, exaggerating as he looked at his watch making the class gasp.

"Yeah, we're coming." I pulled Levi and Enzo away.

"I'll see you guys, later." Mason and Hayley waved as we left the classroom.

"What are you doing here, Xavier? Who are they?" Levi asked, looking at the Five, Felix, and Alvaro.

"I'll explain later, I promise. But right now, we have to get Kai." I started walking, but before I could take another step, Levi stopped me.

"Quincy transferred to this school."

"Yay, that way he'll be closer to you guys." I smiled and he nodded, quickly pulling me into a hug as he kissed me.

I kissed back and pecked him once more, before I opened the door.

I walked in and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"You can't be here, I'm calli-"

"They know, I'm here to pick up Zackai." I looked around the room and found Kai smiling at me.

"Here's the slip." I handed it to the teacher and walked to the back.

"Xavier, what are you doing here?" He asked while I helped him pack his backpack.

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