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Yesterday was good for the most part. My dad had taken my sister and I to register for our new schools which was kind of boring. We went to Andy's first, then went to mine, but we also got a quick tour of the school.

The student was nice and briefly explained pretty much each door that we passed by and what teacher taught what subject. I was happy with that because I did remember where my classes were so that I wouldn't have problems trying to find them on my first day.

I finished up the little bit of packing that I had left and spent the rest of the day home alone with my sister because Jace had gone to school which was almost an hour drive from here. Like my mom had said, she and dad left after we came back and they went to the nearby hospital to finalize some last things.

I stepped out of the shower and dried off, walking to my closet ass naked. I'm in my room, why can't I walk naked?

I grabbed a pair of briefs and slid them on, choosing a pair of blue jeans. I buttoned and zipped that, then chose a plain black t-shirt. After putting some socks on, I put my white sneakers on and tied them, standing up and walking over to my dresser. I quickly sprayed some cologne, then put some deodorant on and grabbed my stuff, heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Goodmorning!" I said a bit loudly and sat down next to Jace.

"Goodmorning, Xavier. Why do you look so tired today? Did you sleep late again?" My mom asked and I nodded as I grabbed two waffles and piled more food onto my plate.

"You already know I sometimes have trouble sleeping, mom." I hummed when I tasted the sweet flavor of waffles and syrup.

My mom was good at cooking. She made all types of food and it all tasted delicious. She eventually taught Jace and I how to cook so now we sometimes helped her make dinner.

We finished up breakfast and I went back upstairs to brush my teeth. I went back down and grabbed my stuff, meeting my family at the front door.

"Good luck at school, guys. Try to make some friends, alright?" My mom made sure that we got that engraved into our heads and wouldn't forget for the rest of the day.

"Yes, mom." My siblings and I said in unison as she kissed our cheeks.

We went out the door and we waved at Jace as he went to his car. I went in the passenger seat and buckled up. My dad started the car and pulled away from the house. I already missed it and we just left.

"Are you guys nervous?" My dad asked beside me.

"Nope." Andy said. She was a social person that had no problem making friends and talking to new people.

I was average at that. In my old school, I wasn't the one to talk to people at first. Tyler and Gina had come up to me and we became friends, but after we started junior year, they started distancing themselves and spent more time together.

The rumors were the most random things that didn't make sense at all. One of them was that I had hooked up with a male teacher, then another was that I was a gay prostitute that would hang outside a gay bar.

Do you notice a tie between them? I think they were homophobic because they made up different rumors with me having to be gay. At this point, I'm one-hundred percent sure that they are homophobes.

My dad pulled into Andy's school parking lot since it was closer to the house and she hopped out, waving us a goodbye as she headed to her new middle school.

Now it was my turn to go to school and I was getting a bit nervous, but I did my best to calm my nerves and the anxious feeling in my stomach. I was anxious to go home already, that's it.

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