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I had to wake up early this morning to make breakfast for the guys. I made them omelets with cut fruit and a smoothie. Alvaro and Felix came to pick them up and after they left, I cleaned the kitchen and went back to sleep.

Of course Milo didn't go. He said he wouldn't go without me and I just sighed and let him stay.

I woke up again around twelve in the afternoon because I felt someone watching me.

I looked around and sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Why are you watching me sleep?"

Milo was sitting on one of the small couches in the corner. His eyes were focused on me and it almost creeped me out, but made me feel secure at the same time?

"I was bored."

"So watching me sleep is funner than doing anything else?" I looked at him funnily and he nodded.

"Yes, anything that has to do with you never bores me." I hummed and patted the spot next to me.

"Want to cuddle?" He smiled brightly and quickly made his way over, sliding in next to me.

Milo smiled when I laid my head on his chest and kissed it. His arms wrapped around my waist and tugged me closer, almost pulling me on top of him.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to sleep." He nodded and kissed my head.

"I love you, Xavier." I smiled and sighed.

"I love you, too." He froze and I chuckled, "As a close friend, that is."

"I'll take that. As long as I know that you love me in any way, I'm happy." I smiled and kissed his chin.


Levi's POV:

"I did say I would take care of you the way a good boyfriend would treat you, right?" He asked quietly and I nodded shakily.

"Answer me." He growled lowly.

"Y-Yes." He chuckled and I felt his left hand trail down my back.

"And that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Jordy's hands moved inside of my pants and I whimpered, freezing when I felt the edge of the blade being pressed up against my throat.

"Be quiet, Levi."


I woke up crying and whined to myself. I made sure that I didn't make any noise so I wouldn't wake up Xavier or Enzo. I noticed that Milo was in bed and smiled softly when I saw his hands gripping onto Xavier's shirt.

I slowly got out of bed and rubbed my eyes as I opened the door to the room and closed it. I walked down the hall and stopped at the top of the stairs when I heard voices. I froze and waited to see if I could hear them more clearly.

"Be quiet. You should be thankful that I'm treating you the right way."

I whined and saw my vision get blurry. I held onto the bottom of my shirt and slowly walked down the steps, clearing my eyes from the tears.

"Oh, stop crying. You know that I'm treating you better than Xavier ever could."

I couldn't hold back my whimpers and I cried to myself. I whimpered into my hoodie and I couldn't stop my body from shaking as I cried.

"Hey, it's ok, Levi. I'm here, we're all here. You're safe now." I felt arms wrap around me and flinched.

"No, please, stop..." I whined and closed my eyes, pulling on my hair harshly.

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