Words I couldnt say part 1

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Chapter 5

I came to school nervous and scared . I went to my locker to find Finn there waiting for me with a rose . I smiled and said , "hey." "hey beautiful ." he said and handed me a rose . "What's this for ?" I asked . "because I love you and you're an amazing girl and you're going to go NYADA and I going to California and we're going see each other on the weekends and holidays . and I'm going to spend every moment with you while I can ." he said . I smiled and kissed him . "I'll see you in glee okay?" I said "okay bye babe." he said and walked away. Later in glee I sat down but I wasn't feeling really well . when everybody came in mr.shue said , "okay guys the theme for this week is secrets . find a song to help you coming out and sharing you're secrets." i felt sick and said , "mr.shue , can I be excused please ." "yeah everything okay?" he asked I shook my head yes and walked out to the bathroom . I threw up in the school bathroom then someone said , "hello is anyone in there?" I opened the door and there was standing was a brown hair skinny girl looking at me . I wiped my face and said , "hi." "hi my names Marley rose I'm a sophomore and you are ?" she asked "I'm Rachel berry I'm a senior ." I said . "are you okay ?" she asked "yeah I'm just a little sick ." "you're pregnant aren't you?" "what?" I said "I can tell you face is all swollen , your boobs are bigger, and you look like you're going to puke again ." she said. "please don't tell anyone ." I begged "don't worry I won't I know from my sister what it's like to be pregnant in high school ." she said "thank you." I said "no problem ." just as she was walking out I stopped her and said "hey can you sing ?" "kind of why?" "come with me ." and we walked out of the bathroom . "Hey whose this ?" mr.shue asker as we walking into the choir room . "this is Marley rose and she would like to try out for glee club . " I said "I do?" she said "yes you can sing and we need more members ." I said "okay ." "okay marley let's see what you've got ." me. Shue said . She sighed and started

Some folks like to get away

For a holiday from the neighborhood

Hop a flight to Miami Beach

Or to Hollywood

But I'm taking a Greyhound

On the Hudson River Line

I'm in a New York state of mind

It was so easy living day by day

Out of touch with the rhythm and the blues

But now I need a little give and take

Some folks like to get away

For a holiday from the neighborhood

Hop a flight to Miami Beach

Or to Hollywood

But I'm taking a Greyhound

On the Hudson River Line

I'm in a New York state of mind

It was so easy living day by day

Out of touch with the rhythm and the blues

But now I need a little give and take

The New York Times,

The Daily News

It comes down to reality

And it's fine with me

'cause I've let it slide

Don't care if it's Chinatown or on Riverside

I don't have any reasons

I've left them all behind

I'm in a New York state of mind

I'm just taking a Greyhound

On the Hudson River Line

'Cause I'm in

I'm in a New York state of


She finished and everyone clapped . "Well marley welcome to glee club ." he said

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