The story of us

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Chapter 50
It's been a week since audrey has come home from the hospital . Finn has been really great with everything he's been staying in the guess room helping me take care of audrey between cleaning the house ,making dinner , and helping audrey catch up on her school work , he's really acting like a dad . I was in the kitchen making dinner when Finn walked in . "hey Rach ." he said . I smiled , "hi Finn , where's audrey ? " I asked "in her room watching tv ." he said "cool , so I was thinking maybe tomorrow you audrey and I could go on a picnic in the park." I said "sounds great ." he said "awesome ." I said and kept cooking dinner "what are you making ?" He asked "well I am making pasta with breadsticks ." I said he smiled "yum smells good ." he said . I chuckled "I remember the first time I tried your pasta ." he said "it was on our first date I was so nervous because you seem so radiant ." he said "I remember that ." I said "then you remember how I spilled wine all over myself ." he said chuckling "Ya I remember that I also remember how long it took me to get it out ." I said . he smiled at me "what is it you used again vinegar or club soda ?" He asked "club soda with a dash of vinegar ." I told him . " "I also remember that being our first kiss together ." he said with a smile . "yeah good times ." I said "I'll never for that date ." he said "what date ?" Audrey asked . I looked at Finn and he looked at me "well we were just talking about the first time your mom and I went on our first date together ." Finn told her "awe can you tell me about the first time you to met ?" She asked . he looked at me and smiled I smiled back and said , "okay . well when I first met your dad were both sophomores and it was the beginning of the year ." "actually it was in November ." Finn said "no it wasn't ." I said "yes it was ." Finn insisted "no it was in August ." I said "no it was.." "Wait don't say another word !" Audrey demanded then picked up the phone and said , "hi uncle kurt can you come over ?" "Okay get see you in five ." she said and hung up . she walked back into the kitchen "who did you call ?" I asked "uncle kurt. he's coming over to straighten out what really happened ." She said . I sighed and said "okay well till then I'm cooking dinner ." and I went back to cooking . Five minutes later kurt came over and we were in the living room sitting . "so what did you want me for ?" Kurt asked "tell me about the first time my mom and dad met ." audrey said "can't they just tell you ?" He asked "yeah we tried that but they can't decide what month they met ." she said "oh that's easy it was October ." he said to us "really ? I thought it was November ." Finn said "nope it was October ." kurt said "ok continue ." audrey said "okay so anyway when you parents first met your dad was a real jerk but he was really sweet on the inside ." he told her "not to mention at the time he was dating your aunt Quinn." kurt added "what was so bad about aunt Quinn in high school ?" Audrey asked "well you see your aunt quinn was sort of a bully in high school ." I told her "she wasn't just a bully she was a bitch ." Kurt said "language !" Finn told him "sorry , anyway your dad was dating aunt Quinn at the time and was a real jerk . until one day , he bumped into your mom on accident . now your mom always had this gentle touch to her . she was very kind and sweet but she could be controlling at times . " Kurt said "no true !" I said "oh come on Rachel you know you are . " Finn snickered "fine maybe I was a little controlling but I wasn't as bad as Quinn ." I said "true, very true ." said Kurt "okay anyway your mom was walking through the halls one day when all of the sudden she bumps into your dad ." he told her "wait a minute Kurt , can I intervene here ?" Finn asked "go for it ." he said "okay so audrey one thing you have to understand about your mom and I is the first time I sang with her was the moment I liked her ." he said "how did that happen ?" She asked "well it all started with mr.shue ." he said "mr.shue heard me singing in the shower and he knew I would never admit back then that I wanted to be in glee club so he blacked mailed me ." we laughed "what I never knew that ." I told him laughing "I never told you ." he said "how did he black mail you ?" I asked "well he put pot into my locker than claimed he found it ." he told me . we all laughed except Finn . "so ANYWAY , that's how I joined glee club ." he said "wait so how did you meet mom?" She asked him . "well on the first day we were in the auditorium rehearsing "your the one that I want ." from grease and me and your mom were leading and she kind of freaked me out at first but then when I heard her beautiful voice I just joined in ." he told her . I smiled then looked at the time "okay it's time to eat ." I said and we all went to eat . after dinner we sat bam down on the couch and audrey said , "okay so now that I know how my parents met I wanna know what happened on their first date ." I smiled and said "do you want to tell her or should I ?" "Uh why don't you tell it ." Finn told me . "okay ." I said with a smirk . "well it was two months after your dad and aunt Quinn broke up and I had just found out about my birth mom . I was so mad at your grandma Shelby that I quit glee club ." I told her "omg I remember that!" Kurt said "anyway , I was in the auditorium when your dad came in and I was sitting at the piano fiddling around with the keys and your dad sat next to me looked me in the eye and he smiled at me . " "What happened next ?" She asked "well I looked your mom in the eyes and I said ..." He turned to me "Rachel Berry , you are a beautiful , smart , funny girl and I would love it if maybe we could have dinner sometime ."" I smiled "then I said , "how does spaghetti sound?" "Perfect ." he told me "and that's how it happened ?" Audrey asked "yup but it gets better ." I said "oh how!" She squealed "well he was at my parents house and grandpa and poppy were away on business so it was just me and him ." I smiled "when your mom served the pasta it smelled delicious." Finn said . "oh stop , that wine you brought was amazing ." I said "hey it was from France ." he said "is that why when I sat down you spilled it all over yourself ?" I asked "no I spilled the wine because you looked beautiful ." he said "thank you ." I said "hey you alway looked beautiful to me ." he said with a smiled . we looked at each other "okay anyway ..." Kurt said "oh right ! Anyway at the end of the night your father kissed me ." I said "awe!" Said kurt and audrey . Finn and I looked at them and shook our heads "ok well as fun as this little love fest was I half to go home to see Blaine ." kurt said "okay bye kurt ." we all said and gave him a hug , after he left Finn got up and said , "okay well it's time for you to go to bed audrey ." "awe , do I half to ?" She complained "yes you half to ." he said and then she looked at me and said , "goodnight mom ." and gave me a hug "good night baby girl I'll be up in a minute with your medicine ." I said and she went up stairs . "So I'll see you in the morning ?" Finn asked "yeah see you in the morning ." I said with a smile . He leaned in for a hug , "goodnight Rachel ." I looked at him and then out of no where I just kissed him . I pulled away immediately and said , "goodnight Finn ." and I ran upstairs immediately . "hey honey ." I said as I walked into Audrey's room . she was laying in her bed reading a book . I sat down and gave her her medicine then she looked at me and asked , "mom do still love dad ?" She asked . I looked at her and said , "of course I do I'll always love your dad he gave me you ." I told her "no I mean do you love love dad ?" She asked . I smiled and said , "honey , the thing about love is that when you meet that one person that is perfect for you it doesn't matter what they do .. "I smiled "so to answer your question .... yes I do still love ,love your dad ." I told her she smiled and said "are you two going to get back mom?" She asked "i don't know baby maybe ." I said "goodnight honey ." I told her and I walked out of her room .

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