The truth comes out part 3

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Chapter 13
I was at my locker when Finn came up to me , "hey love bug." I said "hey , did you tell anyone you were pregnant besides Kurt and Mercedes ?" he asked "I told my dads and mr.shue but he said he wouldn't say anything to anyone . why?" I asked "well someone must have blabbed because that weird Jacob kid has it all over the website ." He said , "what!let me see !" I said demandingly . he hand me his phone and it said , "finchel -18 and pregnant !" I looked at him "how could this happen ?" I thought to my self . I handed him the phone I walked determined to Mercedes and Kurt and said , "did either of you tell anybody that I was pregnant ?" they looked at me shocked , "no of course not ." Mercedes said . I looked at Kurt he had a guilty look on his face , "Kurt did you tell anyone about me being pregnant ?" he sighed , "yes I told Blaine and Tina ." he said . I put my hands over my face and said , "how could you , I thought you were my friend ." I got so angry I just walked away quickly . later it was time to go to glee but I didn't want to go because A. I didn't want to be starred at the whole time and B. I couldn't stand to be in the same room with Kurt . I was in my car when Finn knocked on my passenger window . I opened the door and he sat down and asked , "are you coming to glee club?" I looked at him "how can I ? I am so embarrassed ." I said "why ?" he asked "because I'm scared of what people will think when I come in ." he held my hand and said , "hey , glee is your family and they are going to support you no matter what . they love you and they will protect you from those imbilsaws who hate on you ." "I know it's just ... how could Kurt do that to me , I thought he was my friend ." I said . "I know what Kurt did was wrong and I'm mad at him to , but he is my brother and this babies uncle were going to need him ." "your right , I just wanted to be the one to tell them ." "and you will , I promise ." he said . "so are you coming ?" he asked "yeah Im coming ." and we got out of the car and walked to the choir room . I took deep breath as Finn opened the door for me . everyone was starring at me and my stomach . Finn held my hand and then I said , "Mr.Shue we have some news." "Okay take it away ." he said "okay well , there have been some rumors that I am pregnant with Finns baby ." I sighed "and I think that it's time to address these rumors and just to say , yes it is true I am pregnant with Finns baby ." they looked at us shocked , "I knew it !" Santana said . "it was so obvious !" Quinn said to Artie . I looked at Finn and said , "wait , so you guys are okay with this?" I asked "of course we are !" Brittany said "we were waiting for you to tell us ." said puck I smiled and they hugged me and Finn .

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