The truth comes out part 2

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Chapter 12
After we went shopping at kohl's for maternity clothes we went to Lima bean to have some coffee ( of course I couldn't have any. ) a new week had started and it was Monday again . I woke up and immediately ran into the bathroom to puke . I washed my face off and got a shower . then I put on my clothes grabbed my book bag and left to go to school . When I walked into school I went to my locker to put away my books then I went to mr.shues class .I could barely keep my eyes open then mr .shue said , "Rachel can I speak with you after class?" I shook my head yes and waited for the bell to ring. when the bell rang and everyone left mr.shue took a chair and sat next to me . "okay Rachel what's wrong ? you've been sick , tired , irritable , emotional , is everything okay ." he asked . I sighed and looked at him , "can you keep a secret?" I asked "of course ." I bite my lip and said , "well I'm pregnant and Finn is the father ." he looked at me shocked and hugged me . "does he know ?" he asked "yeah I told him last month ." I said "how did he react ?" "he freaked out at first but then he told me he was okay with it and he wants to be apart of the babies life ." I said . "well that's awesome isn't ?" he asked "well yeah but , he really wants to go to California and I don't want to hold him back ." I said "Rachel , Finn loves you he's always has an always will ." he said "I know im just scared he's going to regret his decision and resent the baby and me for it ." I said "is there anything I can do ? " he asked "yeah , can you just keep this between us I'm not ready for people to know quite yet ." I said "of course and just let me know if you need. Anything I mean it ." he said . I smiled "thanks mr.shue ." "your welcome Rachel ." He said and I hugged him and walked out .

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