The fight

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Chapter 32
"Good morning beautiful."Finn said to me as I walked down stairs . "good morning love bug." I said . "hey do we have anything to do today ?" He asked "yeah we have ultra sound today." I said "that's right speaking of which by the way how is our little audrey ?" He asked "well she loves to kick her mommy ." I told him " that means she's going to be very athletic like her dad ." he said "lets just hope she can sing like her mommy ." I said "I'm sure she can after all you'll be singing to her every night and she'll probably be watching funny girl every night ." he said "true , very true ." I said with a chuckle "so what time is the ultra sound anyway ?" He asked "12:30 ." I told him . "okay so I'll make breakfast then get a shower get dress and then we can go ." "Sounds good ."
After the ultra sound we came home and Finn went to go get the mail . he walked in and said , "hey babe ?" "In the kitchen Finn." I said . he walked in with an envelope "what's that ?" I asked "its my letter to the university of California ." "what's it say ?" I asked him "I got in ." he said shockingly "Finn that's wonderful !" I said and I hugged him . he looked sad "Finn what's wrong aren't you happy?" I asked "I am its just I would half to leave right after graduation ." he said "oh well that's ok ." I said "no it's not Rachel your almost due I can't take you and a new born with me ." he said "why not we'll get a house we'll buy new furniture , Shelby gave us enough money to last us a while ." I told him "yeah but your family is here , Kurt's here I don't want you to be alone in California ." he said . "why does it sound like you don't want me to come with you ." I said "I do ." he said "really because it sounds like you don't ." I told him "Rachel I do babe I love you ." he said "then why don't you want me to go ?" I asked "I do it's just I don't want you to be lonely ." he told me "I won't be lonely I'll have you and the baby and I'll be in college ." I told him "how do you expect to do that when you have a baby ?" He asked "well Finn I don't know there's this thing called night school !" I said sarcastically "well what about me I'm going to be working !" He said angrily "well Finn you could stay home at night ." I told him . I was so angry at him "Rachel why do you make things so complicated !" He said "what do you mean Finn ?" I asked "why didn't you just get an abortion when you had the chance so that way I didn't half to deal with this !" He said angrily . I looked at him I felt like I was going to cry "Finn , " I said then I out of no where I took off my ring and said , "you want an out here's your out ." I then gave him the ring and went upstairs to pack his things .

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