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Chapter 18

(3 months later) today is the day, the day Finn and I find out the sex of the baby. Finn is so nervous and it's so cute . I'm nervous to but I'm kind of excited . Finns mom already knows about the pregnancy and she hasn't said anything to me or Finn since . we were sitting in the office waiting for the doctor to call us . I looked at Finn as he tapped his foot I held his hand and said , "hey you okay?" "yeah , just a little nervous . " He said "don't be nervous everything's going to be okay." I said "I know it's just my mom nor Burt hasn't said anything to me since i told them we were pregnant . I just want them to be part of our lives , to be part of this child's life ." he said . "Babe , listen they will come around just give them time . why don't I come over to night with my dads and we can tell them the sex together ." I said . he smiled and said , "okay ." "Excuse me , Rachel Berry the doctor is ready for you." we got up and walked into the doctors room . the doctor was scanning my stomach and then looked at the screen and said ,"congrats your have a baby girl." I smiled at Finn and said , "were having a girl ." we laughed historically as Finn kissed me on my head . later my dads and I arrived at Finns. I knocked on the door and Finn opened it and said , "come in." we walked in and Finn kissed me on the cheek . Are parents said nothing to each other . 10 minutes later we were Sitting at the table eating . no one said anything to us and then Finn broke the ice by saying , "So Mr.Berry , Mr.Berry how's the business going ?" "it's fine ." my dad said . "carol this is a lovely dinner ." he said "thank you heirm." she said . " I looked at Finn and said , "um dad , daddy we have some good news ." "ok what is it sweetie ?" my dad asked . "well , Rachel and I found out that we're going to have a baby girl ." Finn said . everyone was silent and then Carol said , "well that's just wonderful ." she said sarcastically . "aren't you happy for us ?" asked Finn "I'm delighted can't you tell!" she said sarcastically "I'm so happy that my 18 year old son got his girlfriend pregnant and now they're going to have a baby girl , how proud am I of that !" "mom !" Finn said loudly "what Finn? do you to really think you can handle a baby ? you can't even take care of yourself ! you have no job ,no income, no house! what is your plan tell me Finn what is it !" she screamed at him "carol honey clam down ." Burt said . "no ! I will calm the hell down ." she looked at me and said , "you ruined my sons life , I hope your happy!" she started walking away when Finn said , "stop right there ! listen mom Rachel is my girl friend and I love her with all my heart ! I would do anything for her . it's my fault she got pregnant not hers ! but I can tell you right now , I love this women and I love the precious baby girl that's inside her . so if you can't accept that then I will leave and you will not be apart of my life or my child's life !" He told her angrily . she looked at us and said , "get out ." we stood there , "get out !" she demanded . Finn looked at me and said , "come on Rachel let go ." and he grabbed my coat and we went back to my house . I was lying there in bed with Finn and looked at him then said , "are you okay?" he sat up and said , "yeah I'll be ok ." "are you sure ?" I asked "yeah , I'm very sure ." he said . I smiled slightly . he looked at me and said , "what's wrong ?" he asked , "nothing , it's just I think your moms right , do you think I ruined your life ?" I asked him . "of course not !" he exclaimed "listen to me , I love you Rachel and I love this baby ; we made this and I will support you . I meant every word I said tonight ." he said then he went to my stomach and said , "listen baby girl I love you and your mama does to and everyone else will to ." I smiled as he gave it a kiss and I said , "and I love you both too."

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