Assigning Partners

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Shuichi Saihara walked into class to see his four friends chatting together at their desks. The ultimate detective smiles at them as he sits down with the group and joins in on their conversation.

"Oh c'mon Maki Roll! Please just let me copy your homework!" Kaito, the ultimate astronaut begs. He's bending his head over and holding his hands in a begging motion.

"No. You should've done it yourself," Maki, the ultimate assassin, says sternly, making Kaito groan in frustration.

"This'll be the last time, I promise!"

"That's what you said last time and yet, here we are," Maki refutes again. Kaito looks up at her and makes a pouty face in an attempt to change her mind, but she just closes her eyes and turns her head away. That's when he looks at Shuichi. Uh oh..

Shuichi tried to avert his eyes away but it was already too late. Kaito had locked onto his prey.

"Heeeeyyy Shuichi, you didn't happen to do the homework did you?" Kaito asks, putting a hand on the blue haired boy's shoulder. Shuichi looks to Kaede, the ultimate pianist, and Rantaro, the ultimate survivor, for help but they just smile at his suffering. Maki just looks relieved to Kaito off her back.

"U-uuh.. Sorry Kai-" Shuichi starts.

"Aw c'mon man! We're bros right? Help me out!" Kaito interrupts, giving Shuichi the pouty face now.

Uggghh! Kaito knows Shuichi can't resist his pouty face. Defeated, he reaches down to his backpack and pulls out the homework.

"Ah yes! Thanks bro! I owe you!" The Luminary of the Stars cheers, looking way too pleased with himself . Shuichi sighs to himself as his friends laugh.

"Don't worry Shuichi! You'll get him next time!" Kaede encourages, putting her fist up.

"Sure he will," Rantaro sarcastically replies. Kaede gives him a light smack to the arm. The ultimate detective laughs until he hears the bell and turns to the front of the class.

The teacher starts taking roll as Shuichi mindless listens. Once the teacher's done taking roll, she starts to write something on the board. While she's writing, Shuichi tries to guess.

G ood grades?
Gro wing students?
Grou nd breaking discovery?

Oh God.

"Today we will be talking about this semester's group project!" The teacher cheers. Some students cheer, others groan, and some look around the room for partners. Shuichi was one that groaned.

Not only did Shuichi hate projects but he also hated socializing with anyone. Ever. This was going to be an absolute nightmare.

"And of course, I will be choosin-"

"Sorry I'm late!" A childish voice boomed. The class looked over to see who interrupted the class and saw none other than Kokichi Oma, the ultimate supreme leader.

Oh God. How did he even get into this school?

"Hi... Kokichi," The teacher groaned, obviously annoyed by the fact that Kokichi showed up today. "Please take a seat.. and next time, try not to interrupt the class please,"

"Yes mam!" Kokichi beamed, bouncing to his seat next to Shuichi.

"Like I was saying, I will be choosing your partners. Your partners will be the person next to you. So it would be Mui and Keebo, Tenko and Himiko, Kirumi and Ryoma..."

The teacher continued to list names until she finally got to the end of the class.

"Kaito and Maki, Rantaro and Kaede, and finally, Kokichi and Shuichi," The teacher's words echoed in Shuichi's head.

Him with Kokichi? Just kill him now! Shuichi looked over to Kokichi so see him smiling with a finger to his lips. He was already planning something...

"Now that you have your partners, I will explain more about this project!" Continued the teacher. It just kept getting worst.

"You will work on this project for the next three weeks," Oh no...

"You will have to work together and corporate with each other," Oh please no....

"You will have to work on this together outside of class," Oh God please no...

"This project's worth half your final grade,"

This. Was. Literal. Hell.

"Now, what this project is about..." The teacher kept explaining but all Shuichi could think about is the mess he was in. How was he supposed to work with the ultimate supreme leader? And for something's that worth half his grade!? This was a mess...

Shuichi tried to calm down. He just had to do all the work himself. That's no big deal... right? He attempted to block out his worries and listen to the teacher, but by the end of class, his head was still buzzing with what he should do.

"Alright! Since there's some time left before the bell, get with your partners and discuss the project! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!" The teacher finished, and with that, the class erupted into conversations about who's house to work at after school and what times worked best for who.

Shuichi heard Kaito cheer about Maki being his partner and Rantaro say something sarcastic about not wanting to be Kaede's partner, but all Shuichi could do was wait for his impending doom.

"Heya partner!" A cheery voice says, lightly smacking him on the back. "Soooo, I'm gonna need you to explain everything the teacher just said because I wasn't paying attention one bit," Kokichi sings as he plops himself on Shuichi's desk.

"Seriously?" Shuichi sighs. Off to a bad start already.

"Silly Shuichi! That was just a lie! Jeez, you're gonna have to get used to that if you're gonna be my partner for the three weeks!" Kokichi laughs.

"Don't remind me," He says, pulling his hat down over his face.

"Awww, don't be like that! You're gonna make me cry!" Kokichi smiles slyly.

"A-Anyway, we should probably work on this after school. Do you... want to come over?" Shuichi asks awkwardly.

"Oh wow! Shuichi's inviting me to his house?! I just have to say yes!" Kokichi smiles, placing his hands behind his head. With that, the bell rings. "I'll meet you at your locker after school Mr. Detective! See ya!"

Kokichi hops off Shuichi's desk, grabs his stuff, and skips out of the room. Shuichi sighs. This is going to be interesting...

"Damn Shuichi, I feel bad for you," Rantaro smirks.

"Yeah, getting stuck with Kokichi... I hope you figure this out!" Kaede shines, trying to cheer Shuichi up.

"Me to Kaede... me to,"

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