Shuichi's Hat

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The weekend flew by swiftly and before Shuichi knew it, Monday had arrived.

Over the weekend, Shuichi and Rantaro texted casually. The survivor told him to take his time answering, but the detective already felt like they were texting like a couple.

Shuichi also tried to text Kokichi, but the supreme leader would take hours to respond to each message. Before long, their conversation dissolved. It worried Shuichi, but there was nothing he could do about it over text. He decided he would check on Kokichi when he got back to school.

The detective walks into class moments before the bell rang. He greets his friends with a smile before meeting eyes with Rantaro. He waves at him awkwardly as he sits in his seat. Next to him, Kokichi's chair is empty.

The teacher began taking attendance. By the time she was finished, the supreme leader was still missing. A pit forms in the detective's stomach.

Damn it. He knew he should've forced Kokichi to stay with him. Now he might be hurt again, or worst... Shuichi tries not to show his panic as he takes out his phone to text Kokichi.

"Okay class. Remember, your projects are due this week. Have them done by Thursday so you're ready to present on Friday!" The teacher says. She glances at Shuichi. "Shuichi, off your phone! You know better!"


"Sorry..," Shuichi says, quickly putting his phone away.

"Alright, get to work!"

As the class begins working on their projects, the pit in Shuichi's stomach only grows deeper. He tries to go on his phone under his desk, but the teacher's eyes were glued on him.

"Hey Shu. What're ya doing?" Rantaro says as Shuichi tries to hide his phone from his teacher's eyes.

"Huh, oh... n-nothing," Shuichi says. It was no use. He gives up and puts his phone away.

"Very fun... So," Rantaro smiles. "Do you have an answer yet?"

Shuichi goes stif. "Uh... no I don't.., sorry,"

"No worries," Rantaro says. He puts a hand on the detective's chin and leans in slightly. "Just let me know when you do~"

Then, like nothing happened, he walks away. Shuichi is once again frozen in place. Jeez, that guy needs to learn personal space... Shuichi didn't even answer yet and he's already doing things like that...

The detective sighs as he looks back at Kokichi's empty seat. There on his desk sits the supreme leader.


"Kokichi?!" The detective almost falls out of his chair in suprise. "When did you get here?!"

"Hmm, a few seconds ago," Kokichi says with a grin.

"You did? I didn't hear you do your usual announcement..." Shuichi mumbles. The detective looks over Kokichi. He didn't see any noticeable bandaids or bandages.

"That's cause I didn't do it," Kokichi says. "...Didn't feel like bein' annoying today,"

"Oh, okay..," Shuichi sighs. Something was still off. "Do you want to work on the project?

The little leader nods cheerfully. For the rest of the class period, the two work in silence, however, it wasn't the comfortable silence they had worked in before. There was a small tension in the air and it was eating away at the detective. After a while, Shuichi couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey, are you oka-"

"Oh yeah!" Kokichi blurts suddenly. "I forgot! I have something for you!"

The supreme leader reaches to his backpack and pulls something out.


Kokichi holds out Shuichi's hat that he had taken a while back. It was wrinkled and slightly dirtier than when Shuichi had seen it last, like it had been worn while it was away. A pang strikes his heart as he remembers when it was taken and the way he felt that day.

"Y-you're giving it back?" Shuichi says in shock.

"Yeaah. I don't need it anymore! Besides, ya probably have someone else you wanna give it to right..?"

"Someone else..? But... Y-you took it- I gave it to you!" The words were pouring out of Shuichi's mouth before he could think.

"Aaaand now I'm giving it back," Kokichi shoves the hat closer to Shuichi, but he doesn't take it.

"But why?" Shuichi grabs Kokichi's hands and pushes them back to his chest. "Why're are you acting like this Kokichi? This isn't you... What's wrong..? You can be honest with me..,"

A flicker of emotion crosses Kokichi's face. In was only for a second, but Shuichi knew exactly what it was. Desperation... Desperation to tell the truth. But just like all the times before, it disappeared as quickly as it came and was replaced with a mischievous smile.

"Jeeez Shuichi. It's not that deep! Your hat just smells terrrrible and I need ya to wash it for me!" Kokichi once again shoves the hat into Shuichi's chest. "So take the fuckin' hat,"

The bell rings as Kokichi drops the hat. It falls to the floor as he grabs his backpack and leaves before Shuichi can do anything.

"See ya," he says as he walks out the door. With that, he was gone. Shuichi just stood there with his hat by his feet. His classmates began leaving the classroom around him, but all he could do was stare at the door.

"Hey Shu. Your hats on the floor," Rantaro says as he grabs the detective's hat.

"Thanks," Shuichi says softly. He takes it and tries to smooth out some of the wrinkles.

"...Are you okay?" Rantaro asks, resting a hand on his shoulder.

"...Yeah, I'm fine," Shuichi stuffs his hat into his backpack before giving Rantaro a smile he hoped was convincing. "Let's go,"

Together, Shuichi and Rantaro leave the classroom.

The rest of the day passed in a hazy blur. Kokichi didn't sit with Shuichi during lunch. In fact, Shuichi couldn't find Kokichi anywhere in the cafeteria. He tried not to think about him as he ate lunch with Rantaro and his friends, but he always found his mind wandering back to him.

When school was over, the detective found himself waiting for Kokichi. He stood by his locker for what seemed like forever until he realized he was the only one left in the hallway... and that Kokichi wasn't coming.

In a mixture of frustration and sadness, Shuichi walked home, hoping tomorrow would be better.

But it wasn't.

On Tuesday, Kokichi didn't show up to class, but Shuichi saw him in the hallways. He would try to catch the supreme leader's eye or talk to him as he  walked by, but it was as if Kokichi refused to acknowledge him. By lunch, Shuichi wasn't even surprised when Kokichi didn't sit with him.

Worried thoughts fill the detective's head as Wednesday rolled around. Not only was he worried about Kokichi, but he still had to answer Rantaro. The survivor was being fairly patient while waiting for Shuichi's response, but it was clear he was getting antsy. Plus, the project was due by the end of the week and Kokichi wouldn't even give him a glance. By Thursday, he was completely drained of energy.

The detective's final class of the day rolled by slowly. After the bell rang, he walked to his locker. By his locker stood Rantaro.

"Hey Shu," he says. "How are you?"

"Good," Shuichi says blankly, opening his locker.

"That's good..," The green haired boy sighs. He looks at the ground. "...Hey, get your stuff and meet me on the roof, 'kay? I wanna talk to you about something,"

"Hm? What is it?" Shuichi asks with a puzzled look.

"Just meet me up there okay?" He says.

Rantaro gives Shuichi a smile before turning to walk to the roof. As he walks away, he fiddles with his rings and bracelets.

The detective stares after him until he turns a corner. Nervousness fills his heart once more.

What could Rantaro want now?

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