Brain Freeze

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Shuichi walked around the school in search for Kokichi. He checked the bathrooms, the halls, and even some of the classrooms, but the ultimate supreme leader was no where to be found.

By the time the bell had rung for the beginning of class, Shuichi was out of options. He couldn't randomly walk into classrooms while class was in session so he didn't really know where else to check.

The detective sighs to himself. He was still confused about the fight that just happened. What were they even fighting about? Shuichi thinks to himself as he roams the hallways. They were saying stuff about the project and how he was annoyed that Kokichi hadn't done to much work, but it wasn't like Shuichi was infuriated. Why did they care so much about it in the first place? It's a school project..

Shuichi looks around to see he'd somehow made it to the front entrance of the school. Next to the door outside, there were big windows that showed the bright sun shining down onto the sidewalk and benches. At the edge of where the window ended, Shuichi saw a small figure with wispy, purple hair sitting against the wall.


Shuichi pushes the doors open and peeks around the door. There sits Kokichi, lazily picking at the dirt and rocks on the sidewalk.

"Kokichi.." Shuichi says almost in a whisper. The purple haired boy looks up with wide eyes.

"Oh, it's you Shuichi. How'd ya find me?" He says in a happy tone.

"I saw you through the window," Shuichi says, walking out from the doorway and sitting next to him, the door closing behind him.

"Aw maan. Looks like I didn't choose a very good hiding spot this time," The supreme leader sighs in a fake disappointed voice. Shuichi looks closer at Kokichi. His eyes were a little red around the edges, like he'd been crying.

"Are you okay Kokichi?" Shuichi asks softly while looking into his eyes. Although small, Shuichi thought he saw a small tinge of sadness.

"Of course I am Shuichi!" Kokichi giggles, putting his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.

"You don't have to lie Kokichi. It's just me here," Shuichi comforts. Without thinking, the detective had reached his hand out and puts it onto Kokichi's cheek.

Kokichi flinches at the sudden contact, but then leans into his hand, rubbing his cheek against Shuichi's cold fingers.

"I know Shumai. It's just... easier. There's only one truth, but endless possibilities for lies, y'know?" Kokichi admits, pushing Shuichi's hand away from his face and closing his eyes again.

Shuichi was conflicted. The detective side of him want to know more. Kokichi still hadn't answered any of his questions yet. However, the human side of him overpowered the detective side. He knew there was probably a reason Kokichi hadn't told him anything and he wanted to respect Kokichi's privacy. He barely knew him after all and he could tell Kokichi didn't want to say much more.

Kokichi and Shuichi stayed silently sitting on the floor for a few seconds, until the purple hair boy opened his eyes and smirked.

"Doing some detective work are we Shuichi?" he laughs. Shuichi gasps at the sudden comment, making Kokichi giggle more. He smiles. This time, his laugh seemed at least a little genuine. "Aaanyywaaay, what'd ya wanna do Shumai?"

The supreme leader hops up from where he was sitting and reaches his hand out for Shuichi to grab.

"What do you mean?" Shuichi asks confused, grabbing Kokichi's hand to pull himself up.

"Oh, did I not tell you? We're locked out!" Kokichi says, pointing to the front door.

"What!?" Shuichi gasps. The blue haired boy grabs the door handle and pulls as hard as he can. To no avail, the door refused to budge. Shuichi groans, cursing himself for letting the door close.

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