Nosy and Annoying

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Shuichi mindlessly wakes to the sound of his alarm and gets ready for school. He sluggishly puts on his usual turtle neck and leaves without eating breakfast.

He tiredly heads to school. When he arrives, he spots Kaito and Maki hanging out by the entrance of the school. He greets them and together they go to their classroom. Once they were in the classroom, they talked about whatever came to mind. Kaito teased Maki every so often and Shuichi laughed along with them despite feeling like a third wheel. Throughout the conversation, Shuichi found himself glancing at the supreme leader's empty desk.

He tried to ignore it, but it's emptiness was too loud. Shuichi sighed with relief when the bell finally rung. The detective sat down in his seat. The little leader's desk was still empty. He guessed Kokichi wasn't coming today. Shuichi's heart sinks as the teacher takes attendance before explaining what the class will be doing.

"Alright class, get out your projects and begin working. Since today is Thursday, on Monday I will be doing a check on each group's progres-"

"I'm here!" A familiar childish voice yells through the door. Shuichi jolts his head up to look at the door, his heart lifting up with it. However, his heart sank back down as quickly as it had come up. Kokichi was standing in the doorway, but...

he was injured...

The supreme leader plops himself down in his seat with a barley noticeable wince. He had bandages covering both his hands and a bandaid on his right cheek.

"Kokichi, what have I told you about interrupting class?" The teacher says irritably, like she didn't even notice Kokichi's injuries.

"Oops! Sorry!" He giggles with a finger to his lips. Shuichi watches him for any sign of pain, but finds nothing.

"As I was saying, I will be checking in on each group on Monday. Remember, next week is the last week to work on the projects. Be prepared!" The teacher concludes. She waves her hand at the class, signaling for them to get to work. The class irrupts into conversation.

Kokichi pulls his chair up to the detective's desk.

"Hey Shumaii!" He says gleefully. The detective stares at the leader's smiling face. Now that he was facing him head on, he could see another bandage on the top right of his forehead covered by purple hair. It made Shuichi sick to see Kokichi like this. He needed to know what happened.

But when he tried to ask, the only thing that came out was "K-kokichi..," Damn it! Some detective he was.

"Are you okay Shuichi? You look sweaty," The supreme leader jokes, pulling out his "work" from
his backpack.

"U-uh," the blue haired boy stammers.

"What? Are you that happy to see me that you can't even speak? Awwww, I'm flattered!"

"What... happened to.." Shuichi asks, clearing his throat.

"Hm?" The leader glances down at his hands. "It's nothing,"

"A-are you sure?" The detective asks again. Kokichi gives Shuichi an annoyed look.

"Yup! Now, we should get to work,"

"Kokichi, don't lie to me. What happened to you?" The detective questions a final time. The supreme leader sighs a long sigh.

"Ya know, you really are the ultimate detective Shuichi. Nosy and annoying. You just gotta know every little thing about everyone! How about you mind your own fuckin' business, 'kay? Or is that to hard for you, mister "Detective" Kokichi snaps in an ice cold manner.

Shuichi stares at Kokichi in dismay. "S-sorry..," the detective frowns, glaring at his feet. He'd forgotten how cruel the supreme leader could be.

Silence wraps itself around him like a snake catching it's prey. "I'm... going to use the restroom," the detective mumbles.

Shuichi gets up quickly and walks out of the room, canceling out the noise of his peers and unknowingly, Kokichi.

"Wait, Shuichi!" The supreme leader calls, but it's too late. The detective leaves the classroom without looking back.

Shuichi trudges down the hallway in a mixture of sadness and anger. Who does Kokichi think he is?! Calling him nosy and annoying! That's rich coming from him!

The detective swings the bathroom door open with unneeded force, causing the door to slam against the dirty, tan wall.

He stomps over to the sink and stares into his yellow eyes through the smudges on the mirror. Was he really being annoying...? All he wanted to do was help... Shuichi closes his eyes and shakes his head.

"Uh.. Shuichi?" A voice questions. The detective shoots his eyes open and turns to see Rantaro staring at him with wide eyes. "You okay?"

Embarrassed, Shuichi nods. Oh Atua! He saw all that?!

"Really? You don't look like it," Rantaro says as he leans against the bathroom wall.

"E-everything's fine. I'm just taking a break," The blue haired boy lies. Rantaro squints his eyes.

"Did something happen?" He asks.

Crap. He could see right through him. Shuichi really needed to get better at lying.

The detective turns back to the sink and sighs. "I guess you could say that,"

"What happened?"

"You just gotta know every little thing about everyone! How about you mind your own fuckin' business, 'kay?"

"I don't think I should say..," Shuichi exhales sadly.

There was a brief silence between the two before Shuichi felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up at the mirror to see Rantaro standing next to him. He smiled the detective's reflection, which increased his heart beat.

"I think I got an idea to make you feel better. Meet me at my locker at lunch," he says with a smile.

"Huh? What is it?" Shuichi questions. Rantaro takes his cold hand off Shuichi's shoulder and walks to the door of the bathroom.

"You'll see," he grins.

Something about the tone in his voice convinces Shuichi. He was a hooked fish. All he could do was nod, which made Rantaro smirk even more.

"Alright, see ya Shu~" He winks before walking out of the bathroom.

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