Troublesome Note Passing

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Shuichi lets the ultimate supreme leader drag him into class by his arm. The two sit down in their respective seats as other students start to pile into the classroom.

Shuichi's mind swarms with thoughts about the conversation he'd just had with Maki and Kaito. Shuichi was trying to not think about it too much, but then he ran into Kokichi and Rantaro. He thought the two had been fight again, but when Kokichi accepted Rantaro's apology, his heart fluttered like crazy. It was nice of Rantaro to apologize to Kokichi, though Shuichi was still a little mad about what happened, but it was especially flustering when Kokichi explained why he had excepted his apology.

Now Shuichi was more confused than ever.

The rest of the class finally makes their way into the classroom and the bell rings. Shortly after, the teacher walks in.

"Good morning class! Today will be an independent work day, so after I take roll, please begin working on the individual parts of your project," She says, going on her computer to take roll. The class groans, however, Shuichi was relieved. Now he had some time to cool down and think about something else.

The teacher finishes taking roll and the class works in silence. Shuichi works hard on his part of the project, the thoughts of this morning slowly being replaced by thoughts of work. Shuichi was so into his work that he barely noticed the light tab on his knee.

The detective looks down at were he was poked to see a small, folded paper. Shuichi looks to see that Kokichi was the one handing it to him. He gulps as he slowly takes the paper from the leader's small hand, wondering why Kokichi was passing him a note in the first place. Shuichi quietly unfolds the note to read-

K- Im bored (( _ _ ))..zzzZZ

In small but messy handwriting. The detective smiles and rolls his eyes. Even when he writes, he adds emojis.

S- Then do your work

Shuichi writes. He subtly passes the note back to the purple haired boy and continues his work. Then, the note gets thrown onto his paper and Shuichi is interrupted once more.

K- Ew (T ^ T)

Shuichi sighs.

S- Good to know you're not doing any work

Shuichi passes the note back.

K- Says u! Mr. Makes me do al the work! (^)


S- I didn't make you do it!


K- But u made me feel bad T^T

Shuichi gives Kokichi a teasingly annoyed look before finally turning back to his work. He couldn't talk to him for too long or else he would start thinking about this morning again. After a few minutes of working, Shuichi gets poked in the knee again.

The blue haired boy looks back at the little leader to see another note. He grudgingly takes the note. It's reads-

K- Can I eat lunch with you again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The memories of yesterday flash through Shuichi's mind. Could Kokichi handle it? He didn't want a repeat of what happened yesterday. Also, why did he want to eat with him anyways? He never ate with him before...

Shuichi can feel his face heating up again? No, it's not like that! The detective shakes his head and writes back to Kokichi.

S- You can.. but Rantaro and the others will probably be there

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